
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Fjordland of New Zealand

Radiance OTS, Day 4, Sailing the Milford Sound, Doubtful Sound, and Dusky Sound, March 22, 2014

This was the highlight of this cruise and we planned on an early start. We were told that we will be entering the Milford Sound some time around 6:30 so we got up early at 5:00, went to breakfast at 6, to prepare ourselves. We did not want to miss the amazing sights when entering the sound. The whole ship was still very quiet with only a few people up and around.

Very quiet!

The problem was we couldn't see anything because sunrise was not going to happen until 7:00. It was totally dark outside! So we waited in the cold wind...

...until we could see something...a boat coming towards us.

This boat was to pick up some passengers who would be spending the night on shore and then meet us back in Dunedin the next day.

The first waterfall near the town.

So calm and quiet.

Now more people gathered on the helipad.

Getting a little brighter.

Just beautiful!

Zooming in the tiny town

The boat leaving with overnight passengers.

Then our ship turned around and went back out the same direction.

We approached the second waterfall.

We got really close to this one.

Had to keep warm!

This was how close we got!

Then our ship back out and let the little boat in.

As we were exiting Milford Sound, there was a park ranger talk in the Aurora Theater, many people showed up but 1/3 of the audience were asleep during the talk because of the early start. Then we had lunch at the Windjammer where a great seafood meal was served. Our ship then entered Doubtful sound at 12:00, I did not go outside but watch the sailing at the Crown Viking Lounge instead.

That's why these pictures look kind of 'blue'.

Sailing through Doubtful Sound

back on the helipad in the afternoon as we entered Dusky Sound

seals sunning on the rock

Having a snack at the Park Café
For some reason I did not take pictures of any food this whole day.

Another cute towel animal waiting for us after dinner at the Cascade.