
Monday, July 4, 2016

Astoria and Long Beach Penisula

Road Trip 2016
Astoria, Megler Bridge, and Cape Disappointment State Park -- June 3, 2016 (cont.)
Our destination for the day would be Auburn, Washington and we wanted to get there before dark. With the terrible traffic that we experienced when we past Olympia last time, we were hoping that it won't be a repeat so we can make good time to sis's house.

Our short visit to Seaside was certainly fun and entertaining. Now, we were ready for the fish and chips at Bowpicker, which we waited for a whole year to come back to. ChC and I got a chance to eat at Bowpicker again last May when we took the Crown Princess on the Wine Country Coastal Cruise up to Vancouver. It's always a special treat for us to have the delicious fish and chips from Bowpicker whenever we are in town.

After getting gas at the Costco in Warrenton, we knew that we were near Astoria when we saw the Astoria-Megler Bridge.

Bowpicker Fish and Chips

We drove past downtown Astoria and then found Bowpicker at her usual location, right across from the Maritime Museum. A line was already formed but fortunately, not too long yet. It was just a little past noon by now.

Prices went up a dollar extra from last year, not too bad still.

We placed our orders through the windows with the ladies frying up the food fresh inside.

Then we paid and waited for our orders at the counter next to the 'kitchen'. Food was pipping hot!
These are the best fish and chips anywhere. Five big chunks of fried tuna, meaty, solid and tasty! 
We shared a picnic table with another couple under the shade and enjoyed our delicious lunch. BTW, the ladies are all very friendly. 

The line got much longer as we were ready to leave.

After our lunch, we went across the street to the Maritime Museum. This is a picture I took from the parking lot of the museum.

Looking at the bridge from the museum.

The column up on the hill. We went up there twice, so we just skipped it this time even though it was a beautiful sunny day.

Time to cross the bridge to Washington side of the 101.

Long Beach Penisula and Cape Disappointment State Park

There are many scenic points in this area, along Hwy 101 but we only had time to check out Cape Disappointment State Park. We took the Highway 100 Loop that includes both Cape Disappointment and North Head lighthouses as well as Cape Disappointment State Park. 

A beautiful spot at the state park. We had to pay for the state park day-use fee even though we had the National Park Permit. The park ranger was very nice, he gave us detailed directions to find the lighthouses.

The North Head Lighthouse, accessible after a 10-minute walk from the parking lot.

Probably needs a new coat of paint?

This is practically at the mouth of the Columbia River.

Gorgeous day!

Between the parking lot and the lighthouse, we walked past some buildings which are used for overnight accommodation for visitors. Should be interesting staying here.

We also found Cape Disappointment Lighthouse at the end of the penisula as we drove down south on the loop. We could only look at it from Waikiki Beach. We were told that we can't get up there.

McKenzie Head Lagoon near Waikiki Beach.

Caves near Waikiki Beach.

Then we drove back out to 101 and took the short cut up north. The drive up was quite scenic until we hit Hwy 12 (8) to Olympia. Then we bumped into some late afternoon traffic but it was not as bad as last time so we made it to Auburn before 7PM. What a drive we had in the last four days! We totally had a great time enjoying our time together on this road trip. I know, we need to spend more time visiting the Oregon coast, maybe in a couple of years after MOR retirement we will be able to leisurely explore this part of the country more in depth. For now, we felt fortunate to have done this trip!