
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Revisiting Valencia, Spain

2019 Transatlantic Cruises on MSC
Day 3 MSC Divina - Valencia, Spain -- November 8, 2019

Please click here for video of our day in Valencia.

We visited Valencia, Spain in 2015 on the NCL Jade. My vivid memory of this city was the rude woman at the Tourist Information desk at the port terminal. You may find my experience here about that trip. While we docked right at the cruise terminal in 2015, we were docked all the way out at the far end of the causeway this time. It would be a very long walk out to the port exit from the ship (well, I did see some people taking the long walk.) MSC was selling round trip shuttle tickets to the town center for 19.00 E round trip. On our last trip here, we paid 12.00 for the NCL shuttle and I thought that was expensive enough. We decided taxi was the way to go this time. BTW, they never announced that there would be a free shuttle taking passengers out. We later found out that there was such service provided even though we didn't know where they were taking passengers, to the port gate or town center. Those buses were parked way on the other side of the parking lot so no one was able to see them on their way out. What were they thinking?

There were plenty of taxis waiting at the parking lot when we got off the ship. We managed to get on three separate taxis and agreed on a meeting point at the Central Market. We happened to have a crazy woman driver who darted in and out of traffic on our way to the city. Scared us to death! Well, we ended up being the first group getting to our meeting point! The taxi ride from ship side to Central Market was around 15E, not a bad deal at all.

The entrance of the market across from the Silk Exchange.

Esglesia de Sant Joan del Mercat right next to the market with statues of the saints. 

After meeting up with everyone, we started our walking tour of the old quarter.
This is the back of Church of Santa Caterina.

Going inside Placa Redona.

Placa Redona, a circular shopping area with mainly crafty wares.
It was a bit early so most of the stalls were not even opened.

Tower of Santa Catalina Cathedral.

Walking up the main street of Placa de la Reina.

This maybe the busiest spot in Valencia, Torre del Micalet and the Cathedral.
This cathedral with a tall tower allows visitors to hike up if you are physically fit. We were not brave enough to take the challenge.

Such a beautiful building!

This time they did not let visitors inside the sanctuary unless you have purchased the entrance fee. Can still walk around the surrounding areas of the cathedral.

Back entrance of the Valencia Cathedral.

Right next to the Cathedral with a bridge connecting is the Basilica de la Mare de Deu dels Desemparats.

Another beautiful church.

If anyone is interested in cathedrals and churches, this city is an excellent destination. There are historic churches all over the city.

Fountain del Turia with the statue of Neptune at the Plaza de la Virgen.

Continued our walk north of the fountain, we came upon the Palace of the Borgias, an aristocratic palace and now the parliament.

This was where we turned around at the Torres de Serranos. This was part of the old city wall where you can climb up and have a view of the city and the river for 2 euros.

Following the unique walk through Arab quarter back to the Central Market.

Before going to the Central Market, we thought that it would be a good idea to go inside the Silk Exchange (La Lonja de la Seda). Not only this is an important historical building in the city, we found it relaxing and pleasant exploring both the inside and the courtyard here. Entrance fee was 2 euros I believe and possibly free for seniors. I just don't remember now.

The stone and wood work are impressive.

main hall

Entrance from the courtyard.

Continuously showing informative videos here. A nice place to rest and relax while learning about the place.

Gorgeous wood ceiling.

Exterior of the Silk Exchange building.

We finally got to walk through the Central Market. It was quite crowded and we picked a few things just to try without having a full meal there. 

After the market, big brother wanted to check out the State-of-the art Science Complex on the other side of town. Again, we took three taxis to get there. Our taxi driver dropped us off near the Aquarium, which is further down south. We had to walk the long way back to where everybody else was waiting.

This complex is such a contrast to the old town. Very futuristic structures dotted the whole area making this an absolutely interesting place.

I believe this is the IMAX theater.

Astronomy display

After this, it was about time that we get back to the ship. Big brother and SIL decided to walk back to port while the rest of us took two taxis back. From here to port was under 10E. Our taxi driver didn't understand where we wanted to go even though I showed him the map and the name of the port. He finally understood after I kept saying "Porto, porto". What a relieve it was when we finally arrived back at port.

It was very quiet by now as passengers slowly getting back in port.

The bus way down at the end of the parking lot was the free shuttle. There was no sign, no directions near the exit at the white tents showing people where to catch that bus. There was a long line of taxis near the exit in the morning.

Dave and Maryann, a wonderful couple that we have bumped into three times on different cruise ships. What a nice surprise!

Tapas Frias

Octopus Galician-Style

Cream of Vegetable Soup

Always available Caesar Salad

Seafood Paella 

Swiss Roll with Raspberry cream, yum!

"By His power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also."   -- I Corinthians 6:14