
Monday, July 12, 2021

Yosemite Failed

California Highway 395 -- Day 4, June Lake Loop, Mono Lake and Lee Vining

May 20, 2021 (Thursday)

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Silver Lake
Before leaving the Silver Lake Resort campground, we wanted to see the lake one more time since it is just across the street from where we parked for the night. The wind died down and it was a beautiful morning with many fishermen coming back with lots of good catches already. 

campground view

The water was much calmer this morning with gentler waves.

Alger Creek right next to the lake.

Some deer came out for their morning walks by the parking lot at the public boat launch.

Next to the public boat launch, on the other side of the river is the Silver Lake Resort Boat Dock.

Across the street from the resort office and restaurant.

They have boat rentals here also.

Part of June Lake Loop, Hwy 158.

Cabins at the Silver Lake Resort.

A foot bridge connecting the cabin area and the RV park.

RV campground

Our site.

June Lake
After leaving the RV park, we back track on 158 to June Lake area. Decided not to go into the village since it was still early and nothing was opened. We then went straight to June Lake Beach through North Shore Drive. It was very quiet with no other visitors in sight. I am sure it would be very different during the summer months.

We first stopped at the parking lot which did not look familiar at all. We have been here once, 30 some years ago, when our parents were still with us. My memory was that a big earthquake hit while we were there and mom was fishing by the water. We quickly gathered our things and left after the earthquake being afraid of rock slide. Thirty years gone by just in the blink of an eye!

June Lake 

Then we moved down to the end of the road to a smaller lot and yes, this was where we were before. I still remember the swings that I was on then. It's still there! A pretty sight, for sure!

After our walk around June Lake, we drove back down to Silver Lake and completed our drive on June Lake Loop, including seeing the sights of the largest lake in the loop, Grant Lake. I did not take photos of Grand Lake but it's in our YouTube clips here.

Exiting the north entry of June Lake Loop, we went back south for a couple of miles on 395, then made a left onto Hwy 120 East (Mono Lake Basin Road). Christian wanted to see this section of the highway which I did not know why at that time. We soon found out why. This highway is usually closed in the winter months between October and May.

After several miles of good road, we turned into Test Station Road where parts of this road was not paved. Even our RV made it in OK by driving slowly.

Mono Lake South Tufa Area
This has to be the best place to see the tufas of Mono Lake! The trail is a little long but easy walk and you will be rewarded with amazing sights. They do require admissions but accept interagency passes so our Lifetime National Pass worked well here. Just had to display it on the dash board correctly. There were quite a few visitors on that day but we had no problem keeping our social distance.

Parking lot of Mono Lake South Tufa Area and beginning of the trail.

Easy walk on the trail...

with good story boards.

Tufas of Mono Lake.

There is no fish in the water because of the saltiness of the water.

Very unique views.


Up close and personal.

It was definitely worth the energy to walk through this area. Quite an experience, I should say. This is also paradise for those who likes bird watching. Many different kinds of birds there. 

We did not have far to go on this day since we planned on staying in the town of Lee Vining for the night and that was the farthest north we will go on this trip. We wanted to see if we can do part of the Tioga Pass (Hwy 120 West), at least getting to the Toulumne Meadow area which is supposedly very pretty. The problem was the roadside electronic signs did mention that Tioga Pass was closed due to weather so we were not sure how far we could go. It didn't hurt to try, so we went back north on 395 and made a turn to the left onto Hwy 120. Yep, the pass was closed and here is the video that we took while trying to get through and had to turn around.

We then made a short stop at the Mono Lake Vista Point up the hill by the Tioga Pass Gas Mart for a view of the area.

Tioga Pass Gas Mart

Parked at the Vista Point, very spacious.

Great view of Mono Lake.

Flag in the wind.

Small town of Lee Vining and the entrance of Tioga Pass from Hwy 395.

Lee Vining
Lee Vining is just a tiny town right on Hwy 395 closest to Mono Lake. There is not much in town but still a couple of interesting stops. First one was the Mono Basin Historic Museum, which included an old school house and an upside down house.

Museum, which was closed just like everything else during the pandemic.

Upside down house that was built in 1956 by a local Nellie Bly O'Brien, who was inspired by the children's story "Upside Down Land".

Mono Lake can be seen from here also.

Some farming machines are also on display.

Not too far away is the Mono Basin Visitor Center which was closed except for the gift shop and restrooms.

A good look of the lake.

Some tufas here but not as massive as the south area where we were earlier.

A huge rock right outside the visitor center.

Just a short distance away was the RV park where we spent the night there. It was a cold and windy day and we were glad to just have a relaxing evening at the camp site. We were told by the office ladies that bears may come by at night and that we should not put trash out after 4:00 when the workers picked up all the trash in the park. Wow! That would be a fun thing to see but will we get lucky?

"Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction."  -- 2 Timothy 4:2