
Friday, August 25, 2023

Wakayama and Kishi Visiting the Station Master Cat

2023 Spring Asia Cruises II - 9-Day Kyushu Spring Flowers Cruise, Roundtrip Yokohama, Japan
March 22, 2023 (Wednesdsay) - Wakayama, Japan 9:00~6:00

This was our last port on this cruise around Japan. Once again, a new port that we have never been to before. Our day started with a hearty breakfast at the main dining room since we did not have to get off early.

Don't remember what this is, but it was good!

Being first timers in this port, we really did not know what to expect but found the port busy with vendors and performers. Just a bit curious though, the music and the performance were very Chinese, not sure if it has anything to do with the local culture.

Colorful dancers performing at the cruise port.

Again, because of the shuttles arrangements, we decided to take taxis into town. We wanted to get to the Wakayama train station where we could get on the local train to the small town of Kishi. There was a long line at the taxi rank but we were early enough to get to the front of the line pretty quickly and there were enough taxis for everyone.

This was what I showed to our taxi driver.

After we arrived at the Wakayama station, we had some problems finding the right place for the tickets to Kishi. After looking around and couldn't figure it out, we went down to the Visitor Information Center at the basement of the station. A very helpful staff there actually took us back up to the station and helped us purchase the tickets needed for the day. Now, we are set to visit the Station Master Cat! 


This cute local train at one end of the station will take us to Kishi.
This one has a strawberry theme.

Inside this strawberry-themed train car.

Oh, and the cat-themed car just pulled in but probably won't leave until it's time for the next one out.

We got the brochures about the train when we purchased the tickets.

This train stopped at all the little towns along the way, giving us a very interesting way to see the countryside and the views of small town Japan. We have purchased the all day passes, we could have hop off and back on any time we liked. Because of time, we did not do that. Maybe next time if I ever come back, that's what I would do.

After about half an hour, we arrived at the Kishi station.

The electric train that we rode on as we got off.

Everything here is about the Station Master Cat.

Here it is! Inside the glass case.

On the other side of the station, the main entrance.

They purposely built the building in a cat face shape.

Really cute!

The 'master' and his hat.

A shrine by the platform of the station.

There is a gift shop and a cafe inside the station, of course, in cat theme.

Oh, here comes our train!

and it's the cat-themed train! Yay!

It's all decorated in cat theme.

What fun!

One-day ticket

800Y for adults

It was just plain fun riding on this train and so relaxing. It went very slow and not crowded at all. After we got back to Wakayama station, we went outside and took the bus to Wakayaka Marina City. I believe it was at station #2 where we picked up this bus. It was a long ride to Marina City but we all got seats so it was fine. This bus also stops at the Kimiidera Temple, but we were not planning on going there. One reason is that there are long stairs to climb, plus we have seen enough temples on this trip already.

Bus ride to Marina City.

Wakayama Marina City
This tourist spot south of Wakayama is more like a westernized beach resort and fisherman's wharf. It has an amusement park type of set up but we did not go in. It seemed like it was free admission when we were there. There is also the Kuroshio Market, and that was what we came here for. 

Marina City, a little like Europe.

Entrance to the amusement park area.

Demonstration of dissecting a fresh tuna inside the market.

There are plenty of vendors and shops selling everything from food, wine, groceries, and fresh fruits inside the market. We picked this one vendor with the longest line of people, hoping that we have made the right choice.

Not cheap. But we just had to try.

I must say it was a little disappointing. For the price and the quality, it was not of value. We had much better food else where.

We actually liked the BBQ skewer that was outside the market. Flavorful and cheap!

After being here, I do not recommend coming to this place. I would rather spend the time along the little towns on that Kishi train and see more unique places. The Kuroshio Market is very touristy and expensive. It was also a long bus ride here.

Wakayama Castle
We took the bus back to the city center and got off at the Wakayama Castle stop. It was a hike up to the castle but it was pretty all along. I applaud our group members who went all the way even with their mobility issues. We just had to take it slowly and surely.

Wakayama Castle

Cherry blossoms!

At the top where the whole city can be seen.

Some of us went inside the old castle and had a good visit. Others just enjoyed the view and rest as we waited. On this Wednesday afternoon, there were not that many visitors there and it was very peaceful. After seeing that our time is cutting close, we went back down to the taxi stop area and got our taxi rides back to port.

Walking down from the castle.

Lots of cherry blossoms.

Last picture before leaving the castle.

That evening, they had a paper airplane contest on the ship. Brother Lau had fun participated in that competition. Unfortunately, not winning anything.

A good ending on a fun day in port!

For video on this day, please click here.

"Rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hears by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."   -- Romans 5: 3~5