
Monday, April 16, 2012

Taipei Day 4 - Taipei, Taoyuen

(Please read this post from the bottom up.)

Thank you for a wonderful dinner!

Live performance started at 7:30

Baked chicken in ceramic can

Sticky rice with fish--the fish was very tasty and oily.

delicious pork meat 松阪豬肉

lemon steamed fish

Chicken soup with peppercorn

rabbit stew

Hearts of bamboo plant


Appetizer--wild boar skin.

We were there before 5, before they were open, so the place was pretty empty.

MOR's uncle and aunt came to pick us up to have dinner at a restaurant that features aboriginal food.
The decor and atmosphere were quite interesting.


Hotel lobby

A nice hotel room at he Novotel Airport Hotel. Room 863 on the eighth floor but unfortunately we couldn't see the runway from our room.

I guess he enjoyed his lunch.

Soup with the pork chop rice.

Both came with these appetizers--five-spice peanuts, sour cabbage, and tea egg.

...and beef noodle for MOR.

By the time we got to Taoyuen High Speed Train Station it was still too early to check in to the Novotel Hotel, so we enjoyed a simple lunch at the China Airlines Restaurant there. Pork chop rice for me...

It was time to check out of the hotel and head over to Taoyuen. Again we took the high speed train. The problem was we got on the wrong platform at the Taipei Station. We were told by the nice lady who works on the train to just take that wrong train, get off at the next station and wait for the right train that will come in about six minutes later. That way we didn't have to haul all of our luggage and go up and down the stairs to get to the other platform because both trains will stop at the same platform in Banchiao. Here we arrived at the next station--Banchiao板橋waiting for the right train to come in.


The President's office總統府

228 Memorial Park二二八記念公園

Always ready for demonstration.

格蘭大道?--where the anti-corruption demonstration took place about six years ago, that's why it's called the Anti-corruption Democracy Square. It is still a common place for all kinds of demonstrations.

I believe the building behind used to belong to KMT國民黨but now sold to Chang Rong Fa 張榮發, the owner of EVA Air and Evergreen.

Across from National Taiwan University Hospital, there are memorials dedicated too Taiwan writers along the sidewalks. Kind of like the walk of fame or the stars along Hollywood Boulevard.

After breakfast we decided to walk back to the hotel but taking a detour using the other route so we could see some more of the city.
We passed by this church--where Rev. Kou寇世遠ministered.

The line stayed long all morning, at least 20 people continuously.

The best 燒餅油條, and I am not kidding. MOR ordered a sweet soy milk for me so I don't know how the savory soy milk tasted like. I would have loved to try that though.

Here it is--Huashan Market--2nd floor food court. The market downstairs was not even open.

If we were to take the MRT, we would get off here, exit 5 of the Shandao Temple Station. The building is just right outside of this exit.

Our last day in Taipei. We woke up early because we were told that if we want a good breakfast we need to get there early before they are sold out. We were to walk along Chung Shao Road West (忠孝西路) from Taipei Station to the next station--Shandao Temple (善導寺站) to get to this place. We could have taken the MRT but we thought it would be a nice walk early in the morning, and it was.

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