
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Alaska Cruise tour with Princess, 2011--Fairbanks

Bear Lodge, Fairbanks, Alaska
Posting some travel pictures from previous trips. Summer of 2011 we joined a cruise tour with Princess and spent a few days in Alaska before boarding the Diamond Princess for a week. It was an amazing trip and well worth the time and money spent. Of course we picked the cheapest package but we were still able to enjoy everything provided, including the hotel stays, the tours, and the transportation. We flew from Seattle to Anchorage after spending a few days with families in Seattle. Here we were waiting to board the plane from Anchorage to Fairbanks.

Era is the name of the airline.

Our plane

Ready for take-off.

After arriving Fairbanks, we were greeted by the Princess representatives and then transported to our hotel--Bear Lodge, which is part of the Wedgewood Resort at the other end of town. After checking-in we figured it was too late to go around town to look for food, so we had dinner at the hotel restaurant. It turned out to be pretty good. Here is my halibut...

...and MOR's salmon plate.

After dinner, we walked around the grounds of the hotel. Beautiful flower baskets hanging in front of the conference center. Mind you, this was like 8pm and it was still light out.

They have an antique auto museum on grounds but it was too late for us to get in. 

So, we decided to walk to the lake, Wander Lake.

Little mushrooms and wild plants on the path.

A family of geese appeared before us.

Beautiful Wander Lake! 

Part of the hotel ground, a cabin with beautiful landscape.

A nice hotel makes a good start of a trip. Will continue with more pictures.


  1. I surely loved that shot of the Wander Lake! Truly, there is still a lot of places that I would love to visit in this world and I think that going on a cruise would be the best way to go towards those destinations!

    1. Thank you for your comment. I agree. After all these years of travelling, we have decided that cruising is really THE way to travel.
