
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fenghuang, Hunan, China

cont. Jiangjiajie, Hunan, China--2011
Day 3
This morning we woke up to this view outside of our hotel window. A man-made waterfall and a small park-like area right next to the hotel on the left.

Parking lot on the right.

After breakfast, we began our tour of this old town. 

The public restrooms. Notice the neon sign above the entrance.


Performance of a traditional wedding ceremony.

A school.

I think this is absolutely beautiful!

People just crossed the river on wooden planks.

Then we went on an adventurous boat ride.



Covered bridge

So scenic!

Residence of famous artist Huang Yong Yu (黄永玉).

In the evening, we watched an outdoor performance in the rain. Very impressive but quite uncomfortable. It must be very hard for the dancers not slipping and sliding on those wet surface.

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