
Friday, October 12, 2012

Tien Mun Shan National Park, Hunan, China

cont. Jiangjiajie, Hunan, China -- 2011

Day 6
On our last morning here at the resort, I figured that we should have a view of the courtyard.

Nice set up on the balcony.

Exterior of the main building.

The main entrance of the resort is way down there.

Relaxing atmosphere all around.

We visited an art gallery that morning.

These paintings were created using sand and rocks.

Then, we visited this Tu Tribal Village. One of the minority groups in this area.

Traditional building

Building for the chief of the tribe.

Up on the 'chief's building'.

Beautifully decorated.

Could see miles around.

"Crying for the bride" -- this performance showed how the women of the family bidding farewell to the bride by weeping and chanting.

Some more performances.

One of the elders.

Hunan hot and spicy chili.


Making peanut brittle

Outside of the Tu Village. Seemed to be heavily guarded.

Tien Mun Shan (Mt. of the Heavenly Gate) National Park

Taking the long, long cable car ride up to the mountain.

That's the Heaven's Gate.

The very winding highway.

Once on top of the mountain, we really couldn't see anything. Maybe it was a good thing. It would be quite scary if we could see because part of the walkway is made with transparent material. 

We decided to just take a break and enjoyed a cup of hot coffee inside the cable car station.

Taking the cable car back down but only half way.

We got off half way and then took the shuttle going through those nerve wrecking winding roads.

Here you can see the 'hole' in the background, "Gate to Heaven".

After getting off the shuttle, tourists can actually climb the thousands of steps (Stairs to Heaven) to go all the way up to the Gate of Heaven. Did we try? Of course...NO. Not in this weather.

This stairways will take you all the up to the 'hole'.

We were very tired after a day of travelling. Tonight we are at another hotel. Here we were waiting to get our room key. This is a luxurious hotel, very fancy. I believe it's called Sunshine Hotel.

Enjoying the hotel lobby.

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