
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Warnemunde, Germany

cont. Carnival Splendor 2008 - Baltic

We had a whole day here because many of the passengers will be going into Berlin for the day. Those people on the ship excursion took a 3-hour train ride to Berlin, then 3 hours back. Not only it was expensive, we felt that it's not worth the trip to spend so little time there.
We got off the ship after breakfast and waited til most people were off to avoid the crowd. This was Carnival's first ship stopping here and we didn't know about it until later that day that the city actually was celebrating it with a "Port Party". 
When we walked into the terminal we saw a couple of ladies selling the Rodstock Cards. We bought the cards so we could use them for trains, buses, and whatever. Then we walked out, made a right turn around the pier, then made a left and went through the underpass to the train station. A train was already there waiting so we just got on. It was a clean commuter train and an easy ride to Rodstock. 

At the Rodstock station, a gentleman walking in front of us fainted suddenly and dropped to the ground. We were all shocked and went around to look for help. Fortunately, the people at the station rushed to help him. 
We walked out of the train station and followed the map to explore the town. It was a little far but it was a nice walk. The thought of walking on the streets of former East Germany, as we were told, was a little strange. This city is clean and quiet.

After we got to the town square, we went inside the tourism office and used their restrooms. There was a market in the center of the square where people were selling different things.
Then, it started to drizzle, so we went inside the St. Mary's church where there were many interesting things inside.

This giant wooden clock is beautifully kept inside the church.

We just walked along the pedestrian street.

Past the university and museum.

Old city wall

We bought some pizza like pastries, forgot what they were called, but they were delicious. Hot bread in cold, wet weather is a good thing!

We walked back to the town square and took the bus/tram back to the train station.

It was easy to take the train back to Warnemunde.

Train station in Warnemunde.

After getting back on the ship, we washed up a little and went to lunch at the Lido. This was what we looked at during lunch.

After lunch we took a nap in the cabin but were waken by a lot of loud noise outside. Sounded like someone going crazy with their boats. We looked outside and realized that a "Boat Ballet" was performing outside for a great number of audience. Apparently many people came to this town on that day for the many activities scheduled for this "Port Party Day". 
Then we just went out and walked around town. This is a really neat town that is so walkable and interesting. I think it is beautiful here.

the beach area

MOR and Christian went up to the light house while I was too lazy and just sat under a tree and waited for them.

They took these pictures from the top of the lighthouse.

We wanted to try the seafood and sausages but we weren't hungry. We also did not want to spoil our appetite because we had made reservation for the Dinner Club for the evening.

cruise terminal

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Dinner Club. This was an extra charge restaurant so the food was better and fancier.


Lobster Bisque

My Surf and Turf

MOR's Lobster

Christian's Porterhouse


Firework in port as we sailed away that eveninng.

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