
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Valletta, Malta

11/07/2012 (Wednesday) -- Valletta, Malta

I love Malta! Sailing in to the port of Valletta was very interesting. There are old buildings on one part of the shoreline, and then there are new, tall buildings in a different part of the island. It was very impressive and different.

We walked off the ship to the left side of the port.

On the right there is the promenade with stores and restaurants. Before we even turn to the right, we passed a gate and was sold on a 10 euro HOHO bus tour for the day, which usually sells for 15 euro. We took the north/blue bus which took us to Mdina and some beach areas. Well worth the money and a good way to travel around.

On the top deck of the HOHO bus leaving port.

some of the views from the bus

a funeral was taking place

getting off our bus at Mdina Gate

Mdina Gate

inside the gate

it was nice walking along these quiet alleys

Cathedral Museum


St. Paul's Square

I love doorknobs.

After the Mdina, we walked across to the Rabat area.

more beautiful doorknobs

The statue of Apostle Paul in front of St. Paul's Church.

St. Paul's Church

side chapel


the cave where Apostle Paul hid for months after the ship wreck

a gentleman was in there providing information about the grotto for a small donation

stairs to the grotto

inside of the Cathedral

I think this is called the Parish Square.

trying to get wi-fi connection outside of the cathedral

cute doors

patiently waiting
I bought a coral ring at a store very near the catacomb and their prices were quite good. 

last shot of Mdina area from the bus as we leave
Getting back on the HOHO bus was not easy because there is not a real bus stop. The buses tried to stop wherever they could find a space available in the area at that moment. People were running here and there trying to see where the buses would stop for people to get on. 

Some shots taken from the bus as we traveled from Mdina back to the port. Malta is obviously a popular vacation spot and rightly so. It is a beautiful island.

the newer part of the island

almost back to the port with Splendida in sight

After getting off the bus, we did not want to go back to the ship. Instead, we wanted to go up to the city. I read about an easier way to go up to the city wall but couldn't find the way. I just remembered that it's through a parking garage. All we saw that looked like a parking garage was a cave-like tunnel but it was very dark and we dare not to go inside. Fortunately, a young man appeared and he kindly took us through the 'cave' and walked up to the parking area to the city. We didn't have to take the long hike up to the city wall.

This is the tunnel where we walked up.

This kind young man who showed us the short cut to the city so we didn't have to take the long hike up.

the city of Valletta

St. John's Cathedral

time for a late lunch where we can use free wi-fi

across from the cathedral

rabbit meat seems to be the specialty in many restaurants, this comes with a side salad and french fries

at St. George's Square

main street

Taking the short cut:
I will try to explain how to take the short cut through the parking garage going from the city back to the port. If you are trying to get to the city from the port, just reverse these directions.

walking past this fountain near the bus station back to the parking garage

you will see this on the left hand side

this is on the right hand side

make a left turn here at this parking entrance

go the the building with the green awning 

go to the elevators inside this building right here

here are the elevators, I think you need to push the -6 button

when coming out of the elevator, turn left and you will be here, turn left and walk toward the blue sign

the blue sign that says "Valletta Waterfront", walk along the wall where it says NO ENTRY

follow the footprints and just keep walking

it's going to be dark in there, just keep walking

light at the end of the tunnel

the ship was right outside

the end (or the beginning) of the tunnel

this is how the entrance to the parking garage looks from the outside

cross walk to/from the port

the cruise terminal and the promenade


Italian Night at the restaurant

fried calamari

seafood pasta

shrimp, squid, and fish

a plate of delicate dessert to share


  1. Good morning, I found your blog page after searching the internet for information on Malta. I am torn between going on our own (rental car), using the HOHO bus, or hiring a driver for our day in Valetta, Malta.

    I came across this blog page. Can you please tell me how much time you spent in Mdina and Valetta? I want to figure out if I can add a 3rd stop for my husband to the aviation museum.

    My email is mjpileggi @ but I will also check back here to see if you've written a response.



    1. Hi, Monica,

      Sorry that I did not respond sooner. I was on a month-long trip to Asia and just came back today.

      Our stop for Valetta was from 9am to 6pm. We had enough time to explore Mdeina and Valetta leisurely. I don't know where the Aviation Museum is so I cannot speculate it time wise. If it's in Valetta, it wouldn't be a problem.

      Have a nice trip!


  2. I so enjoyed reading about your day in Valletta. We will be spending a day in Valltetta on our cruise next year and having read your blog post I am so looking forward to it.

    1. Sorry, Gill. Again I failed to respond sooner. I am sure you will enjoy your trip to Malta as much as we did. Just wish that we had more time there but that'll give us an excuse to go back. Have a wonderful cruise!
