
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dinosaur Valley and Xishou

Dinosaur Valley and Xishou, on our way to Lijiang (4/26/2013)

This morning we started our journey early because we were heading to Lijiang for the night. We checked out of our hotel and left our big luggage there for the three nights on the road. It is always interesting to watch how people drive in this country, kind of reminded me of Egypt.

Guess what this is? It's the TV inside the restroom of the Dinosaur Valley, our first stop for the day. More pictures will follow.

entrance to the park/museum

Inside the dinosaur museum. We were told that 80% of the displays are genuine fossil finds in the surrounding areas. Hmmm, should I take this seriously?!

The golf cart dropped us back off at the front of the park.

Visiting the restroom again before we leave. More pictures of the 6-star public restroom.

Each stall has its own personal TV.

super clean

Everything was provided free of charge, including toilet paper, liquid soap, paper towels, etc. Amazing!

Then we were on our way to Dali and Lijiang. The houses are quite unique.

Our table mates on this trip.

The restaurant where we had lunch at.

This restaurant specialized in different kinds of mushrooms.

continue on with our journey

arriving the city of Dali

We were scheduled to go to the Tianlongbabu Film Studio but we were told that it was very crowded that day becuase of some festival there, so that was a no go.

a local guide got on our bus here

and took us to our next stop--the Yan Family Residential House for a taste of Bai minority culture (Xishoubaizu Residence)

Here we were treated with the Bai Three Courses of Tea, which is a genuine tea caremony of the Bai culture.

we were also treated to music and dance

the three courses of tea, each with its own flavor but we barely touched these

the 'bride and groom' of the show

The Yan resident represents the traditional housing designs of the Bai group.

3-side courtyard with a "shining wall"

important feature--the "Shining Wall" of the courtyard not only as a protective part of the house but as a source of lighting, reflecting sunlight into the rooms

Beautiful doorway

Young ladies of the Bai minority are called "Golden Flowers".

Erhai of Dali

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