
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sydney Debarkation

Debarkation-Sydney, April 1, 2014 (Tuesday)

After the 13-day cruise on Radiance OTS, we were back at the OPT in Sydney. To fully enjoyed this ship on this last day, I got up at 4am and went around the ship taking last-minute pictures. The whole ship was very quiet as we arrived Sydney in the dark. 

Early morning at the OPT

Enjoying the last couple of hours on the Radiance.

What a sight!

We could see the Holiday Inn Old Sydney from the ship. 

We waited for debarkation at the Aurora Theater until 9:05 before our number (15) was called which was scheduled for 8:45. Debarkation was easy. Found our luggage first and there was no need to show our passports. Turned in the yellow arrival card and exit downstairs using elevator. It would be a much easier walk for Holiday Inn Old Sydney guests if they can exit the Taxi exit upstairs.

Fortunately, we were able to check-in to the Holiday Inn Old Sydney upon arrival.

This hotel is convenient being so close to the pier, but it desperately needs updating. 

As Platinum member of IHG, the only perks we got was free wi-fi and newspaper. 

Front entrance of the hotel

The far end of the building across from the hotel is where the 2nd floor of the OPT building is. It's an easier walk than the ground floor exit which requires a hike back up.

After settling in, we wanted to check out the area.

The walk up we took from the OPT, I believe this is Argyle and George.

We walked along George Street to the Circular Quay station to catch the free 555 shuttle bus.

Got off near Chinatown and saw this KMT headquarters.

Paddy's Market--unfortunately, it's closed on Tuesdays.

Entrance to Chinatown

After 13 days on the cruise, we were craving for some authentic Chinese food.
BBQ King on Goulburn Street, a great find.

Whole roasted duck, delicious!

Crispy roasted pork

BBQ Pork and soy chicken

Seafood and toufu pot and a couple of other dishes.

The meal was a little on the expensive side according to L.A. standard , but we were happy just the same. The cost for this lunch--$199
Friendly wait-staff and owner made this meal so much more enjoyable. 
Good thing we were not craving for dim-sum. In L.A. dim sum would be around $2.00 a plate, but here in Sydney, it's like $7.00 at most restaurants. We could wait.

Just had to try these after lunch at the Crown bakery in Chinatown.

Back to the hotel for a little rest.

Hotel lobby

While some decided to rest at the hotel, we wanted to make good use of our time in Sydney and check-out the downtown area and feel the rhythm of the city.
Walking down George Street turned out to be very interesting.

Queen Victoria Building

Apple Store

The Royal Australian Regiment Memorial

The Strand

Inside QVB

Old fashion elevator

Inside the Strand

Checking out the food courts. We would be in Taipei soon, so we skipped Din Tai Fung here.

Ended up at this unforgettable restaurant for some amazing laksa.

The Malay Chinese restaurant on Hunter Street--best laksas you can find.

A beautiful bowl of laksa with chicken. Look at that soup!

Hainan chicken rice

They close right at 7pm, or maybe even earlier. So plan on going there early

"Mr. Bee", a Thai restaurant is right next door. We bought some meal boxes here two weeks ago because the Malay Chinese was closed. They had pre-packaged meal boxes on sale in the evening for $5 each which were very good. Seemed popular among locals, and they sold out fast.

Walking along the pier back to the hotel.

OPT in the evening

2nd floor of the the OPT, which is an easier walk to the Holiday Inn. 
On the way back to the hotel, we stopped by the convenient store next to the hotel. Soda was $4.59, way too expensive.

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