
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Shiretoko Peninsula

July 20, 2015 -- Shiretoko Peninsula Scenic Cruising

Weather: Clear
Temperature: 16.5C

Most people took the chance to sleep in since this was basically a day at sea. It was quieter than usual when we went to breakfast at around 7:30. The sea was calm and weather seemed to be in our favor. BIL was up early and he said he was able to spot many whales that morning.

After breakfast, we went up to Skywalker on deck 18. What a beautiful sight!

It was very quiet at the Skywalker that morning.

At 11:30 we went to the Behind the Scene on Stage Show at the theater.
We have never been behind the stage on any cruise ship, so this was a real treat.

Some kids were allowed to get into the 'car' on stage.

Getting in line to the back of the stage.

We found out that Mikiko, the Japanese Entertainment Director, studied at Citrus College, a junior college right next to APU where I graduated. She was surprised and delighted.

Lunch was at the buffet again where I enjoyed a yummy hamburger. They served some good hamburgers on this ship, I must say.
After a short nap in the afternoon, we went up to Skywalker again for the scenic cruise off the coast of Shiretoko Peninsula. Our cabin was on the starboard side so we had to find somewhere on the port side to enjoy the sights. We were able to grab a couple of seats by the window at Skywalker but I think the best place for views would be the promenade deck. Heather was providing broadcast narration from the bridge but it was really too far to see much of anything. The ship sailed very slowly about 3 nautical miles off the shore. Because of the fishing boundaries set, we were not able to get any closer. In a sense it was not like sailing the scenic routes in Alaska or New Zealand where we were able to get so close to the glacier or the waterfall. We did see a lot of dolphins though.
The scenic cruise was suppose to be from 3:30 to 6:30, but after a while it became monotony. By then we were asked to leave Skywalker because they had to set up for the Elites gathering.

I did not take many pictures because of the distance.

Lobster tail for dinner.

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