
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Asakusa, Mt. Fuji, Onsen Hotel -- Land Tour Day 3

August 7, 2015 -- Shin Yokohama-Asakusa-Mt. Fuji-Osino Mura

This morning we have to travel back to Tokyo for a visit at Asakusa Shrine. As usual, we would meet at 8:00 to board the bus so we can start early for the whole-day sight seeing.

I thought the picture above the head board was quite interesting.

Good breakfast buffet at the hotel.

With both Japanese and western breakfast items offered.

Terrible traffic everywhere we went.

Oh, back to the Minato-ku area. Odaiba on the left.

One last look at Bayside Hotel.


With the traffic jam, it took us a little more than two hours to get from Shin Yokohama back to Tokyo. It was just a waste of time because of the hotel arrangement. What can I say?

Arrived at Asakusa a little after 10:00. 

The place was already jammed with tourists and visitors.

The last time we were here it was in an evening and it was much prettier.

Again, a hot day!

Tried to avoid other people in my pictures.

Nakamise Street where we bought some snacks to try... these cute animal-shape waffles.
Thene met up at 10:30 to go to lunch. Only a short visit to take pictures here.

I noticed these sunflowers planted along a street while we were on the bus. Nice!

Then we arrived at our restaurant--Carne Station, an all-you-can-eat Yakitori restaurant.

Took the stairway right next to the entrance of this market up to the second floor.

950Y for lunch, not bad!

raw meats

cook your own lunch
Good thing we were there early. Pretty soon the whole place was packed with tour groups and some even had to wait outside. Our guide was very smart in that sense. He always gets us into restaurants before the other groups to get a head start.

Oshino Village

Our next stop was Oshino Village, which we have never visited before.
After our bus dropped us off at the parking lot, we walked past this Tourist Information Center. 
The restrooms here looked much better than the ones at the parking lot.

This seemed to be a very popular spot for tour groups.

Near the entrance to the 'park'. We had to pay extra (mandatory) in addition to the tour price for this but I noticed that they did not even charge for admission. So, what was the extra that we paid for? Same thing for Ginza, it was also listed as a mandatory extra fees.

An old-fashion flour mill.

Spring Pond
There's something special about this pond but I don't remember a thing about it now.

It's pretty though.

Mt. Fuji

After continuing our long bus ride, we arrived at the Fuji Subaru Line Line 5th Station (Fujiyama 5). We were lucky in a sense that we could actually see Mt. Fuji. Our tour guide said he had been here several times and that was the first time he was able to see the top of the mountain.

The 5th station is at 2220m elevation and the most popular stop for tourists. It is also the last place where hikers can get their supplies before venturing up to the top. 
We went up to the balcony of the third floor of this building and got some nice family pictures.
There are souvenir stores and restaurants inside this building.

Around the back of the building is the Komitake Shrine. I don't believe this was here the last time we came.

This building was also a new addition to the area. It wasn't there the last time we were up here.

Passed by a lake somewhere.

Isawa Hot Springs

After the brief stop at Lake Ashi, our bus took us north of Mt. Fuji where we ended up at the Hotel Isawa Hot Spring in Fuefuki. I think these tours always plan on spending at least one night at an onsen hotel so tourists can experience a typical hot spring bath and a traditional Japanese meal.

Sleeping on tatami for a change.

We wondered about the rocks there by the corner of the room. Maybe it's a foot-massage thing?

Spacious room

Bathroom, which is facing the entrance of our room.

Entrance, bathroom straight ahead and bedroom on the right.

Dinner was at this restaurant down on the first floor of the hotel.

A gorgeous kimono hanging right next to the restaurant.


All fourteen of us.



rice with mushrooms

fried shrimp

grilled fish

not sure what this was

Some kind of tofu, and I forgot to take a pictures of the 'hot-pot' with beef and vegetables which was very delicious.
This was one scrumptious dinner!

While most people enjoyed their hot spring baths on the first floor, we stayed in our room for a relaxing evening of hot green tea and cookies. We are just not used to doing communal baths.

That evening, at around 9:30, the hotel provided a sweet treat in the lobby for everyone.

It was some kind of sweet red bean soup and it was quite delicious.
Most people ended their day with the firework show in town which could be seen on the roof of the hotel. I was too tired to watch the firework and turned in early for the night.

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