
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Food and Show in Sichuang

Huanglong Ancient Town, Food, and Show
September 4, 2016, CTourus Day 6

Other than the shopping stop in the morning right after we checked out from our hotel, this turned out to be a fun day for us with good food and entertainment.

Shopping stop for the day--the Bamboo Craft Museum. We were told that this is a new establishment and having their debut opening to overseas tour groups. Supposedly, this is a government run 'museum' and it did look official. Bamboo products on display were very attractive but very expensive. We bought a few things but regret it afterwards. Bamboo chopsticks were like $30 USD for 10 pairs. Suggestion, give a pass on this.

Huanglong Valley Ancient Town (黃龍溪古鎮)
After the shopping stop at the museum, we came to Huanglong Valley Ancient Town for some time on our own before lunch. A very busy spot with lots of tourists because it was a Saturday. It was actually quite fun to walk around the little town, trying out food, and shop at the many stores there. After our guide gave us a short briefing of the place, we were free to go on our own until lunch.


The ancient town. We were told that this ancient town maintained and restored many of the original ancient buildings including residences, stores and temples.

First thing that attracted us was this noodle shop. They were making their famous 'one-strand noodle'.
A bowl of noodle with just one strand of dough.

Here it is! One long string of noodle!

'One-strand noodle'

and the rest of the menu

Knowing that we will have lunch soon, we shared a couple bowls of noodle just for taste.

Water fountain at the center of town.

A town with 1700 years history.

The Huanglong Creek running through the old town with shops lined along both sides.

Stores selling Sichuan specialties, like chili, cooking pastes, and preserved vegetables.

It does have an ancient feel to it.

Ancient Food City of the Three Kingdoms.

Bridge made of Chinese checker pieces.

Another more dramatic 'one-strand noodle' shop.

We did not try these but they looked like pineapples stuffed with sticky rice.

Beautiful carving on these ancient buildings.

After lunch, we drove back to Chengdu.

Dinner time! This was also a meal that we paid extra for and it was worth it. It's a meal to sample some authentic Sichuang snacks.

Sichuan won-ton, Chao Shou 抄手

Bean curd (tofu)

The very authentic Kung Pao Chicken.

Soup with dumplings


with spicy sauce


A nice restaurant.

Name of the restaurant--Pan Sun Si which is the same as the Longchaoshou next door.

Then we walked half a block to the auditorium where we would see the Legend of Face Changing Show in Sichuan Opera.

The orchestra up on the balcony.

Completed with laser.

The face changing show was exceptional! 

I found this performance not as good as the one we attended the day before. The people on stage certainly performed professionally and seemed very skillful, but I found them to be kind of 'matter-of-fact' and were just doing their jobs. Unlike the other one which was lively with good spirit. Anyway, we had a good show and that was all that matters.

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