
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sailing Toward Halong Bay

Day at Sea -- December 3, 2016

Just like any other sea days, we enjoyed our breakfast at the Rotterdam Dining Room. HAL has an extensive breakfast menu in the main dining room and we really enjoyed having our quiet breakfast there whenever we could. 

Finally remembered to take photos of the breakfast menu.

Fried eggs on the side

My french toasts that morning.

ChC's skillet

Buckwheat pancakes to share.

MOR's omelette. 

After breakfast we went to Bible Study and then to the port talk on Halong Bay. Then we also attended Dr. Kam's lecture on the History of Hong Kong. His lecture was very detailed and covered many things that I did not know about which was quite interesting. Lunch was at the Lido and Menard brought over a bowl of spicy soup for us to try. Very delicious! 

Did not do much other than just relaxing inside our cabin and watched some DVD that I've brought that afternoon. Exactly what we like to do on sea days. I went up to the Lido to check and see what they were serving for dinner but they were still in preparation stage and nothing much was happening. Just curious if they would have lobsters a the Lido since it was Gala Night in the main dining room serving surf and turf that evening.

Festive corner at the Lido

Some longans were out.

Very quiet

Final Gala Night
This would be the final Gala Night we had on this cruise. We have one more sea day between Halong Bay and Hong Kong, but that would be packing day for us before arriving Hong Kong.

Huh, for some reason I did not have pictures of the food that night. How strange! Oh well, maybe it was because I was not feeling well and worried too much about my health problem. I ended up going back to the cabin early fearing of another episode of my problem. I guess that was the first sign that I had for this problem that I had to have surgery on when I came back to L.A. and admitted to the hospital before Christmas. Come to think of it, I am so thankful that nothing serious happened while on the cruise or when we were in a foreign country. God is good!
Anyway, for dinner that evening, we all had the shrimp cocktail and the surf and turf with double lobster tails.

Our handsome waiter in the main dining room.

Yeah, that was how I felt that night!

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