
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Last Day in Taiwan

Family Reunion Cruise -- 8-Day Roundtrip Keelung, Taiwan on Diamond Princess
Post-cruise -- Taipei to Los Angeles, November 29, 2018 

This would be our last day in Taipei before flying back to L.A. Our flight was for some time after 6:00 PM, so we were not in a hurry for anything. Our friend would come and pick us up late morning and take us to lunch first before dropping us off at Taoyuan International Airport. A perfect plan.

For breakfast, we decided to walk over to Dongmen Market again since it's just a short walk away and there would be many choices. We ended up at Ya Fung Fish Balls one more time and had a quick and tasty breakfast.

Other than what we ordered last time, we also tried their fried rice-noodle which was good also. But, I still liked their braised pork rice the best.

Some more Fuzhou fish balls.

Walking back to the apartment crossing Hsinshen Road South.

Right outside of the apartment we could see Taipei 101 straight ahead.

Small court yard at the entrance of the apartment.

Main entrance of the unit where we were staying.

Christine had asked the maid to help us taking our luggage out when we were ready to leave. They are very helpful and considerate making sure all the guests have a wonderful stay at their apartments.
This is such a nice place to be. Excellent location that made me feel like a part of the community being in the quiet and safe neighborhood. 

Our friend, Mrs. Shih, came to pick us up around 11:00. Lunch would be at the restaurant where we enjoyed a good fresh fish meal in May in the town of Longtan, in Taoyuan. 

First we had to decide on how we want our fish to be cooked. 
These are the ten different ways to pick from depending on how big the fish is.

This was the one they picked for us. Mrs. Shih wanted a bigger one but they already killed this one before she said OK.

Then we waited for our food inside this very empty restaurant.

Steamed fish with garlic sauce

Fried crispy fish filet


chow mein

Fish in fried minced beans 

I have never seen walnut shrimps with sprinkles. No walnuts but sprinkles instead.
We had to send this back because it was not cooked through.

Overall, it was a good lunch of fresh fish before getting on our flight with boring airplane food. Then it was time for us to get to the airport for our flight home. Off to the lounge we went after security and immigration. We were just flying economy this time, so we had to use our Priority Passes for lounge access this time.

First we found this lounge right off the escalator. Very crowded, noisy and with no restrooms. So we got up and left.

Then we went across to the other Plaza Premium Lounge which was much better. 

Some private rooms inside this lounge.

This is not a clear picture but I wanted to show what you could order from the counter for dinner that day. Taiwanese Noodle Soup, Taiwanese Chicken Rice, Vegetables Noodle Soup and Ginger Duck Stew. Of course there were other food and drinks available but these were what you could order.

I had the giner duck stew, excellent!

After spending a relaxing hour and a half in the lounge, we were ready to walk to the gate.
The Taichung Floral Exposition was in full swing during that time.

I thought this gate with the Shiao Long Bao (Steamed Soup Buns) as seats was very cute. 
Each boarding gate has a different theme and design making this a very interesting airport.

One of the meals served on the flight home.

Ontario International Airport
Final words. This was the first time we were flying into Ontario Airport from overseas. I was totally shocked by how third world this airport is when we landed. I could not believe what I saw and was confused for a minute wondering where we were. We were lead down the stairs, walked on puddles of water, into a bungalow type building for the immigration check and luggage pick-up. This was not even at the main terminal which is small comparing to LAX but at least decent. This was way off somewhere else in no-man's land at the far end of the airport. They did have the Global Entry machines there which helped a little but really did not do much good as we had to get in the long line for custom check after waiting for the luggage. Like the TSA check in the main terminal here when we were flying out, I suppose the officers had plenty of time in their hands so they really took their sweet time questioning everyone, in their not-so-friendly manners. I must admit that we did go through faster than most other passengers probably because of the Global Entry but we still had to wait in that one single long line. While waiting for my brother to pick us up at that sad looking parking lot, I kept wondering what kind of impression we are giving to visitors as they land here? "What! This is America?"
 As for my brother, he went to the main terminal and had to find his way to this location to pick us up.
They have a lot of catching up to do at Ontario Airport if they want to make this a real "International" airport! I should have taken photos, but I was in the stage of shock and totally forgot about pictures.

Anyway, this is the end of the trip report. After coming home for four days, I hopped on another plane and flew to Tokyo for another cruise on Diamond Princess again. That report will be next!

"Your years go on through all generations. In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same, and your years will never end."     Psalm 102: 24~27

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