
Monday, December 30, 2019

Vatican, Campo DeFiori, and the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian

2019 Western Mediterranean and Transatlantic Cruises on MSC
Pre-Cruise - Rome -- October 28, 2019

Please click here for video of our trip on this day.

This morning six of us will be visiting the Vatican with pre-purchased tickets booked online for 9:30. This will be my fourth time there and I was less than excited. The thought of being in the crowds and herding through the rooms just did not sound too appealing. The only reason we were there again was to take our relatives from Taiwan there for their first visit. 


We found the correct exit when we got off the metro near the Vatican this morning. The line wasn't bad at all that early in the morning but the whole area was bustling with visitors all walking towards the same direction. We were able to just skip the line and got into the museum with the printed ticket in hand. After security we checked in, got our audio-guide and off we went on our self-guided tour.

Courtyard of the Pigna

Pius and Clamentine's Museum

Finally done and we are outside of St. Peter's Basilica. 

Campo de Fiori 
We then took the bus and met up with the rest of our group at Campo de Fiori Piazza. This colorful produce market was filled with locals and tourists alike. We strolled through the stalls and admired at all the goods but unfortunately not planning to purchase anything to take home. 

With son's guidance, we found one of the three Forno Campo de Fiori in this neighborhood for some delicious pizzas and sandwiches for lunch. This is a busy take-out place of sweet and savory baked goods with very limited seats in their tiny stores. Everybody would make their purchase and then enjoy the food sitting or standing around the piazza. A fun and economical meal indeed.

Catacombs of Saint Sebastian
After lunch, we were ready to head over to our next destination--the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian. Again, we utilized the public bus (#118) to take us there through the Appian Way. We got off the bus right across from the Church of Domine Quo Vadis which we visited first.

We took the #118 bus at the stop Ara Coeli/Piazza Venezia and got off at the stop Appia Antica/Domine Quo Vadis.

This is a simple, small church by the roadside.
This is one of the first churches built along the Appian Way. It was said that when Apostle Peter fled Rome, he met Jesus here. He asked Jesus where He was going and our Lord replied that He was going to Rome to be crucified again. Apostle Peter then knew what he was suppose to do and returned to Rome where he was later put to death. 

A stone copy of the footprints that was left by Jesus inside the church. 
The original copy is inside the Basilica of San Sebastian nearby.

Basilica of Saint Sebastian and the Catacombs
There are several catacombs in this surrounding area but we decided to come to the Saint Sebastian. No photography was allowed inside the catacombs as we were going on this guided tour. They had tours in different languages and we had to wait just a little to join the English speaking tour. It was quite an interesting tour that provided a lot of information about the underground tomb and the martyr Sebastian who is buried here.  There are steps and uneven grounds which probably is not suitable for people with mobility issues. After the tour, we were able to get inside the Basilica for a glimpse of this beautiful church.

The original copy of the footprints of Jesus.

After our visit to the catacomb and the basilica, we were ready to take the bus back to Rome. Right in front of the basilica is a one-way road, so we had to walk back down to the other side of the highway and caught the same bus (#118) at the stop Appia Pignatelli/Appia Antica infront of the Catacombe di Pretestato.

What surprised us was when we got off the bus near the Circo Massimo Metro Station, trying to take the metro back to our apartment, we were told that the metro had stopped running because of some unknown reasons. Needless to say all the other transportation like buses and trams were all jammed with people waiting to get home after a day of work. There was no way that we could get on any buses now so we decided to walk back to the apartment. It was quite a hike, I must say, but when we reached the Colosseum, we were met by the very beautiful sight...

Quite different from what we saw during the day.

As for dinner, we stopped at the Chicken Hut across from the Termini for another round of the chicken rice and fried chicken. We were really tired and our comfortable beds were the most welcoming things after a long day of walking!

" Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind."   -- Isaiah 65:17


  1. Another great post! Loved the photo of the Colosseum at night!! It looks as if you had very nice weather, not too hot? My one problem with Rome is how hot it can be in April-May when we take a transatlantic cruise and Rome is just baking!

    Happy New Year!

    1. Hi, Patricia! Yes, we were quite lucky to have mostly good weather on this trip. I was actually quite surprised that the weather was so nice even in October and November and brought clothes that were for colder weather. I would think April-May should still be nice Spring weather. Definitely go to the Colosseum after sundown, it's a totally different feel of the same place.
