
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Bridgetown, Barbados

2019 Transatlantic Cruise on MSC Divina
Day 14 MSC Divina - Bridgetown, Barbados -- November 19, 2019

Please click here for video of our day in Barbados.

What a day we had on this beautiful island of Barbados! After the last few days at sea, we were determined that we will walk on LAND as much as possible today. And, did we walk! 

Beautiful sunrise!

Watching the ship dock was exciting enough.

To save time, we had an early breakfast at the buffet restaurant just so we didn't have to wait to be served. After meeting everyone at 8:30, we walked off the gangway and ready for our day in town.

The walk from ship side to the terminal felt long, it was about a 10-minute walk.

Weather was hot and humid for a change. I am sure the European passengers will have a great day enjoying this tropical weather at the beaches.
Port terminal around the corner.

Looking back at the two ships docked when we reached the turn.

Outside the cruise terminal there were many taxis and taxi-vans for hire. The tourism guy inside the office told us that the rate to get to city center should be about $2 per person for the mile ride.
Walking that mile shouldn't be too rough.

The sun was already hot at this hour and we had to rest after walking half way to town.

Near the Pelican Village Craft Center which was not even open at that hour.

Joining the other passengers and continuing our walk to town along the broadwalk.

Passing by Bridgetown Public Market, well, we just had to check it out.

It turned out that there really wasn't much in there other than a couple of stalls selling seafood that didn't look very appealing.

Getting closer to town right outside of the Barbados Tourism Investment building. The light blue building in the background is the St. Mary's Church.

Swan Street, the main shopping district in town.

Quite busy on this early Tuesday morning.

Arrive at the center of town, Lord Nelson Statue. Lord Nelson was a British Naval hero.

Looking across the Constitution River on the other side of the square.

Sis and I decided to just sit in the shade and wait for the rest of the group to walk around town. The Parliament, Old Synagogue, and St. Michael Cathedral are all near this National Heroes Square.

The Parliament just across the street from the square.

Crossing the Chamberlain Bridge

Constitution River

Under the Independence Arch

First beach we came to was the Brownes Beach area.
The beach was very nice, but it was very commercial and occupied by bars and restaurants.
The security guard was very nasty and even questioned us when we tried to just walk across.

So, we quickly left the beach and went back to the main street.

We just followed Bay Street to the south.

St. Patrick's Catholic Church

Did I say it was hot and humid? I think we were too ambitious. Taking another break by the sidewalk.

Some random houses along the way.

I believe this was Bayshore Beach.

Zooming in on our cruise ship. In fact, we were very far from the cruise terminal.

We found another shady spot, a band stand. Let's rest!

Barbados Government Offices

Arrived at our destination for the day--Cuzz Fish Stand. A very popular fish cutters vendor in town.

DC also bought a pack of beer for cheap from a convenient store before turning onto Aquatic Gap where the fish stand is.

A very busy cafe.

Not pretty, but quite tasty marlin sandwich.
They have different condiments on the table for self-service.
It was OK, soft buns with frozen piece of fish that they fried right on the spot.

But walking out to the beach a couple steps away was the most beautiful sandy beach there is.

Picture perfect! Like a postcard. 

Son wanted to dip his feet in the crystal clear water.

There is the George Washington House, St. Ann's Fort, and Barbados Museum nearby this area of Garrison, but we were tired and none of us could walk any more. We needed to have transportation to take us back to port. Walking was out of the question by now. As we were back on Bay Street several taxi vans stopped and wanted our business but we had to wait for one that can take all ten of us, and it must have air-conditioning. Finally, we found one and the driver agreed to take us back for $2 each. We gladly agreed and back to port we got!

The taxi van dropped us off outside of the gate. I suppose he didn't have a pass to go in.

Inside the cruise terminal.

Everybody was taking photos here in the morning. Now, we had a chance for ours.

We were lucky that some of us got a ride on this tram back to the ship so we didn't have to take the 10-minute walk.

Sunset in Barbados
We had a wonderful day in Barbados. We didn't get to see everything we wanted but it was fun and adventurous.

White Fish Civeche

Caribbean Fish Soup

Oven Roasted Jerk Chicken

Jamaican Style Beef

Caribbean Rum Cake

As the whole world is going through this corona virus crisis, I kept thinking how blessed we were to have had this trip just less than half a year ago. So much can change in a blink of an eye and we do not know what the future holds. Pray that we will get over this trial time soon and may our loving God heal this land with His almighty power.

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."   --Psalm 62:1~2


  1. Rebecca! Wonderful post. Today we would have been in Bridgetown on the Koningsdam! Your photos show it has changed quite a bit since we were there several years ago. Great to see what we missed. This reminds me to search at your blog for every port we go to. Form Cagliari on, it has always been a great help and fun, too!

    Everything here is fine, one day at a time. Hope you are all OK down in California.


    1. Hi, Patricia! We are staying inside practically everyday. We did stock up on food needed for a couple of weeks to avoid having to go outside since we are in the over 65 group. Just pray that all these will come to past, soon. So glad I have this blog to help me remember our many trips overseas now that we can't go anywhere. Stay safe and God bless!
