
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Chiao Hsi to Miaoli

2019 Summer Trip to Asia
July 28, 2019 -- Family Trip Day 3: Chiao Hsi to Miaoli, Taiwan

Last day on our family trip was also packed with activities. We left the Mountain Springs Hotel after having breakfast at their dining room downstairs. A little crowded but we finished up quickly so it really didn't matter. Then we gathered and ready for our drive back to southern Taiwan.

Chiao Hsi Bus Terminus across from the hotel.

Front of the hotel.

National Center for Traditional Art
This was the place that I enjoyed the most on this three-day trip in this region! The center is very well-developed and preserved as a site to promote the Taiwanese traditional arts and culture. I personally think that this should be a must-visit location in Yilan. We spent the whole morning here as we explore the site and enjoyed all there was to offer.

Entering the park as our domestic helper pushed Father-in-law carefully for the visit.

A stage for the outdoor theater.

There are many shops with arts and crafts showcased and also gift shops featuring many local delicacies.

There is something for everyone here so we all went our own way to find whatever suited our interested.

Just had to be on stage!

Museum of Rice Culture

Bamboo Hall

Very clean and orderly.

That should be pretty at night when the fish is all lit up.

There are many DIY activities for an additional price but we found that just going in and out of these shops was more than we can handle.

With a warm sunny day like this, it was certainly a wonderful place where we were able to spend a few hours there.

After the visit, we were taken to a restaurant across from the site for a delicious lunch as we were all pretty hungry by now. This place is called "Yilan Hua Diao Chicken", famous for their charcoal roasted chicken dish.

Deliciously roasted chicken.

Then, it was time to head back south.
Going through the Snow-mountain Tunnel to Taipei.

This is one of the longest tunnels in Taiwan.

Instead of going straight home, our guide took us to Sanxia Old Street in New Taipei City.
These "Old Street" type of set up is quite popular in Taiwan. I suppose one reason is to preserve the traditional old town look of the cities and also turn it into an attraction to draw people and money for economical benefits.

A huge temple right at the entrance of the old town.

Another very crowded spot.
One famous item here is their Golden Bull Horn bread, which is shaped like the crescents but with a very different texture. Instead of being flaky they are more solid bread like but with many different kinds of flavor. Very good when they came out fresh from the oven. 

Many old buildings with unique decorated designs.

Another busy temple.

Before being dropped off at our designated towns, we had one final dinner together at the Lanting Farm Garden Restaurant in Miaoli.

Local mushrooms

What a meal to end our three-day family trip!

"To all perfection I see a limit; but your commands are boundless."   -- Psalm 119:96


  1. Wonderful! Did you do much shopping on this trip? Some of your photos have captured interesting looking shops. Our very best buys were on the Temple of Heaven grounds in Beijing and in Dalian. Never buy much but something to remember a place by.


    1. Hi, Patricia! No, we did not do much shopping. After remodeling our house last year and had to throw out so many useless items we decided not to shop for souvenirs on trips anymore. We usually buy some snacks, like pineapple cakes from Taiwan to bring back to share with family members instead of gifts that they don't really need. One less thing to worry about.
