
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Da Hong Pao Scenic Area and Back to Xiamen

2019 Summer Trip to Asia
September 3, 2019 -- Da Hong Pao Scenic Area, Wuyishan, Fujian, China

When we learnt that we would be going to visit a tea farm this morning, we immediately thought about all the dreaded "tea shopping" stops that we had before and told the guide that we will not do any shopping stop. She then assured us that this is not a shopping stop, it is actually a scenic spot of the famous Da Hong Pao Tea.

The history of Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) started from here and we were told that they are the mother trees for all of the Oolong tea in other parts of China, including those in Taiwan. That is why this is a World Heritage UNESCO site. 

Taking the shuttles inside the park.

Lots of tea plants as we walked our way inside the valley.

Some with good sign posted.

Deep inside the valley.

As in many scenic places in China, carving poems on the wall was acceptable and appreciated.

All the different kinds of tea grown here.

Finally arrived at the Da Hong Pao site. The original tea trees, six in all, are walled halfway up the on the hill. With the sign in red, no one should missed it.

Everyone who visits here must have their pictures taken here.

Historic tea trees.

Stone carving about Da Hong Pao.

More tea planting as we walked further down.

Tianxin Yongle Temple
After the tea terrace, we continued on to the end of the road where the Tianxin Yongle Temple was located. We actually hiked our way up but since it was pretty scenic it didn't feel too bad of a walk.

Stopping to take a break at this pavilion as we were walking up using that stairway behind.

We could see miles around.

Finally reaching the Daxiongbaodin of the temple. Again, we were the only ones there.

At one end of the Daxiongbaodin, there is a gate that leads to the Tianxin Yongle Temple.

The story was that a scholar who was on his way to take the national exam got sick here and the monks healed him by using the Dahongpao tea together with other herbs. He ended up being the top achiever at the exam and gained important title as a government official (Chuangyuen). He was grateful to the monks here and thus giving the name Dahongpao to the tea planted here.

"Original Site of Dahongpao"

The temple on the left but we did not go inside. Seemed like a huge place and they were also having some construction work being done when we were there. We didn't feel like we should bother them while they were busy.

Coming back down from the temple.

This was just outside of the Daxiongbaodin.

A pretty bridge.

We were taken back to the same restaurant for lunch. Now I can't even recall the name of this place but their food was quite good!

On the High-Speed Train back to Xiamen
In the afternoon, we were brought back to the Wuyishan East Station where we would be waiting for our train back to Xiamen. We said our "good-byes" to our guide and gave her a generous tips for the two days of service. Then we were on our own again, for the trip back to Xiamen. The route was the same as the one we came on, only backward.

Waiting room at the Wuyishan East Station.

It's empty now, but it got busy later.

We would be taking the 3:29 train.

Found our seats and also saw our new friends from Beijing whom we met yesterday. They were sitting right behind us. These trains are quite comfortable, except most of the passengers have their cell phones on, watching TV, listening to music, or whatever, without using their headphones/earplugs, so it was quite annoying with all these unwanted noise all around.

Some of the towns and cities that we went past.

Stopped at a station.

Mr. Lee, our local guide, came to pick us up at the train station and then brought us back to the same hotel, the Ridong Best Western. We would stay here for two more nights before leaving for Qingdao.
As for dinner, we went back to the restaurant where we had dinner a couple of nights before on our own and we were reimbursed for the meal. 

It was past 9 o'clock by the time we walked back to the hotel. Needless to say, we were tired. Our tour in Xiamen will end officially after breakfast the next morning but we are staying an extra day just so we can align our tour of Qingdao after leaving Xiamen. We have also asked Mr. Lee to come and pick us up for the airport the day after tomorrow. We felt safer to have him instead of just getting a taxi.

"You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed."   -- Joshua 23:14

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