
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Final Day in Qingdao and Flight to LAX

2019 Summer Trip to Asia
September 11, 2019 --  Yan'er Dao (Swallow Island) and Qingdao Airport

Finally, it's time to go home after being away for two whole months. It was a nice ending to this amazing trip that turned out to be more than what we expected. Thank God that we were still in one piece and nothing extraordinary happened. No big health issues, no accidents. What else can we ask for?

Waking up to another beautiful morning in Qingdao.

We decided to just enjoy a buffet breakfast at the hotel. Breakfast was not included with our free night stay but after considering the convenience we thought it would be a good idea to just stay at the hotel instead of going too far. Since it was pretty late already, after this buffet breakfast we can possibly skip lunch.

Again, there were plenty of choices available, both Chinese and western breakfast items.

Good view of the city while having our breakfast.

They even had beef noodle, which was very good!

And a good cup of cappuccino.

Yan'er Dao (Swallow Island)
Right around this area of the Olympic Sailing Center and the pier is called Yan'er Dao. We thought it would be a good idea to walk around the hotel and check out the neighborhood this morning before leaving for the airport.

The Olympic Sailing Museum


I believe there are quite a few restaurants inside the museum but we did not go inside.

Qingdao Yacht Club

Around the back of the museum, there is a tunnel that looked like will lead to the seaside but it was blocked. After talking to the guard, he told us to take the turn and walk around which would take us to the other side.

A beautiful seaside walkway.

I believe that is part of the yacht club.

This walkway leads to the Haiyun Garden, a public park in this community. We did not walk all the way there though.

People enjoying the sea during low tide.

Looking back at that tunnel which was blocked. I think the building on the right is a newly built hotel that was not complete yet.

I just love the ocean!

Main entrance of the yacht club.

Observation deck for spectators during the summer game along this long strip of land.

I think that's the Lover's bridge. There are quite a few restaurants, cafes, and bars down on the ground level.

Beautiful sight!

Back to the hotel.

Waiting for our driver to pick us up after we checked out of the hotel room.

After the long ride in a comfortable van, we arrived at the Qingdao Airport and said 'good-bye' to our dear driver.

We found an eatery inside the airport while waiting to check in for our flight. It was a mistake to order this bowl of noodle with those two sad pieces of meat.

This pot of pork rib rice was much better though.

Checked in and waiting to board our flight. The plane flying in from Xiamen was delayed.

Let's go home!

Now I don't remember what this video was about. Looks interesting.

First meal after take-off.

Xiamen Air serves decent meals.

Some passengers are just inconsiderate.

Second meal before landing.

Finally home!

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."   -- Romans 8:25


  1. A GREAT trip and a FANTASTIC blog! You were quite blessed to get through two months with no big problems, healthwise or otherwise. That is always a question mark in my mind on longer trips.

    Now, on to future. I can't see cruising up and sailing anytime soon. Here, we are thinking we will go insane if we don't get away for another 6 months! Looking at the ferry over to Victoria, once we can leave our neighbourhood/city! Not sure about outside of BC, though. Travel medical insurance will be an unknown, even for out of province!
    Hope you will be OK, safe and calm and maybe post more on this blog to keep in touch!

    Happy Memorial Day down there!

    Patricia You should be able to get my email off this as I am using the Google Comment, not that I know how it works :)

  2. Hi, Patricia, thank you for the support and your kind comments throughout. For some reason, I did not get your email address on record from google. If you don't mind sending me a note to my gmail address, I would appreciate it very much.
    Would love to keep in touch with you.
    I doubt very much that we can go anywhere the rest of this year. We were talking about taking a RV trip after July, I think even that is questionable. I guess we just have to stay put and see what's coming our way. Memorial Day is very quiet at home, got to order food from restaurants that are opened for business for a change. Take care and keep in touch! I will be posting a few pictures of our Christmas trip to Seattle next.
