
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Garibaldi, Oregon to Everett, Washington before Christmas

2019 Road Trip to Seattle for Christmas Family Reunion (II)
Garibaldi, Oregon to Everett, Washington - December 19~22, 2019

December 19, 2019
Another early start this morning. Before heading north to our destination, we wanted to track back south a little to the town of Tillamook to visit the Tillamook Creamery, which is about 15 miles away. We went past it last night before reaching the motel. Maybe we can buy some cheese to munch on this morning.

The very quiet motel. The office was not opened when we were ready to leave.

Just a couple of rooms were occupied. 

The RV park is on the side, facing the lagoon.

Very nice!

Right in front of the motel rooms was the pier.

Road leading into the pier and the motel from the main highway.

The pier for fishing boats.

Motel at the end of the road.

This was what we saw right outside our room.

Tillamook Creamery, Tillamook, Oregon
We have stopped by a couple of times before but we found it to be very different this time around. They have done a lot of reconstruction and updating making this a really nice place to visit. The only problem was the parking lot was still a work in progress so it was a little bumpy when we were there on this wet morning.

A new building that looks much different from before.

It was so early that we were the only visitors there that morning.

Going upstairs for the self-guided tour.

Looking down at the store on one side.

And restaurant on the other side.


Observation deck over the factory production

on both sides.

Cheese sampling

Trying out different kinds of cheese. Yummy!


Would have loved to get an ice cream cone if it wasn't so cold.

Bowpicker Fish and Chips, Astoria, Oregon
After our brief visit to the creamery and bought some cheese to take along, we continued our drive up to Astoria in the heavy rainy weather. We made a stop at Walmart and then filled up the gas tank at Costco in Warrenton before arriving Astoria for lunch at our favorite Bowpicker Fish and Chips. We were not sure if Bowpicker would even be opened on this cold and rainy day. 

Fortunately, we found them opened and no long line! Yay!
Thanks to the ladies there, we got to enjoy those hot, crunchy, delicious fried tuna pieces on this cold and wet day.
This has to be the best fish and chips place anywhere.

We can only have these once every so often.

Instead of continuing north on the 101, we decided to take a new route that we have never been on before, the Columbia River Highway 30 south of the river. This will take us west to Longview and then we can connect onward to the 5 North.

Crossing the Lewis and Clark Bridge into Washington.

Everett, Washington

Finally arrived at my niece's house in Everett before dark.

Festively decorated!

All ready for Christmas!

Game after dinner.
It's always good to be with family!

December 20~21, 2019
We must have slept in and just enjoyed our time with each other inside the house the next couple of days.
We took a long drive to Snoqualmie just to enjoy their buffet lunch at the casino.

It was definitely fun and delicious, with lots and lots of food.

We met with a FB friend of mine for lunch at the Eagles Buffet inside the Tulalip Casino. It was such a nice meet-up with her and her husband who drove up from near the airport area to meet with us. I was so excited and forgot to even take pictures. We had some sweet fellowship over good food. After lunch, we just walked around a little at the Outlets which was nearby.

I think the young people went for ice-skating and also some escape room place which they seemed to enjoy very much.

December 22, 2019

It's Sunday, and we all got ready for church. 
We were there early so the sanctuary looked a little empty.

Some cute decorations inside the church.

A wonderful Pre-Christmas worship.

Dong Thap Noodles
Brother Jon suggested we go for Pho after church and he wanted to try out the famous World's Largest Pho Super Bowl at Dong Thap Noodles near Chinatown. I am not a pho person but that sounded like fun so off we went. Good thing we made reservation ahead of time so there was no waiting for us. 

Vietnamese spring rolls

That's the super bowl pho. I think it's free if you can finish it by yourself. Better ask first before you order with the attempt. Four of us shared that one big bowl.

That Big!

They had their own regular bowls.

Pike's Place Market
After we were stuffed with pho, we wanted to take a walk in the Pike's Place Market and waterfront area. I would feel like missing something if we skip Pike's Place on our visits to Seattle. There were a lot of people there since it was a Sunday and there were lines everywhere. First time I had to get in a long line for our favorite Piroshky. These are Russian pastries that come in both savory and sweet flavors. I bought several different kinds for all to try. So good!


Then we walked down to the waterfront of Pier 62 after some in our group checked out the Gum Wall near the market. I think the Gum Wall is such a yucky place that I skipped that part of our visit.

Yucky Gum Wall

High Rises in Downtown Seattle.
It was cloudy and cold but we had a nice day in downtown Seattle.

"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall."   -- Malachi 4:2

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