
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Taroko Gorge, Taitung, and Wanluan

Lunar New Year Trip to Taiwan - January 7 ~ February 6, 2020

January 16, 2020 -  Hualien, Taroko Gorge, and Back to Taitung 
This morning would be the highlight of this trip to the east coast. We will be driving up to the eastern end of the Zhongbu Cross Islsand Highway to Taroko Gorge. I understand that we won't have time to see everything there but at least we will hit some parts of that scenic route.

Waking up to a beautiful, sunny morning on this January morning in Hualien.

Having breakfast downstairs in the nicely decorated dining room.

Seemed like they are able to accommodate quite a few guests here.

This B&B emphasis in healthy living. A cup of soy coffee was served first as we were waiting for the rest of the breakfast.

I like the feel of this dining room. Airy and clean.

Definitely a healthy vegetarian breakfast with lots of food.

Taroko Gorge
After checking out with our new friends at the B&B, we started out on our journey to Taroko Gorge. It was a nice drive up north with gorgeous weather.

Flags were hung on the lamp posts all along the Suhua Highway.

Arrived at the Taroko National Park East Entrance Arch Gate.
This has to be most photographed and iconic landmark in Hualien.
The first time I saw this arch was about 60 years ago on my parents' travel photos.

"Entrance to the Taroko National Park East-West Cross Island Highway"

Jinwen Bridge on the Liwu River.

Liwu River leading out to Pacific Ocean.

A plaque commemorating the opening of the Cross Island Highway posted near Wang Hai Ting (Sea Gazing Pavilion).

Wang Hai Ting (Sea Gazing Pavilion)

There were a lot of monkeys up on the trees off the roadside here.


We were not planning on hiking any part of the trails. 
For those who are hiking, they have to pick up a helmet somewhere along the highway before getting on the trails. Falling rocks can be fatal but those who hikes will be rewarded with amazing views.

Instead of hiking, we just parked near the Liufang Bridge at the exit of Zhuiliu Tunnel.
There is a huge platform with different levels where visitors can enjoy the views and take photos of the site.

Unbelievable sights everywhere you look.

This is also the end of the Swallow Grotto Yanzikou Trail for those who hiked that trail.

Our visit to the gorge ended after an hour or so and we had to start our journey back to Taitung for the night. This time, instead of taking the coastal highway, BIL decided to take the Huatung Zhonggu Highway up along the foothills of the mountains. This highway is also quite easy to drive on even though the scenery is not as breath-taking as the coastal highway.

Pretty soon we arrived at another Tropic of Cancer Marker Park for a brief photo stop.

Lunch at Chishang
I mentioned about the lunch boxes that we had for dinner in Tatung the other night. Now that we are passing through Chishang, Taitung, naturally we wanted to have the Real McCoy, an authentic lunch box here. BIL took us to a lunch box shop near the train station after he parked the car. Once we got the boxes, I knew those were not the ones we were looking for. They were horribly 'old' and tasteless which means I did not even finish mine. I was determined to find the right one so I went out and looked. A block down there were signs with the name I was looking for, Wu Tao Chishang Cultural Story House. A couple of train cars were outside the restaurant/store where visitors can enjoy their box lunch after purchasing. There are nice, clean dining area inside also. We bought our box lunch and yes, that was what I was expecting. The fried chicken leg was especially tasty and crispy. I am sure this place would be very busy on weekends and holidays.

A cute place for lunch.

Kaishen Starlight Hotel, Taitung
By the time we reached Taitung, it was close to 5:00 P.M. Our room was on the 9th floor which had an expansive view of the ocean. The room was sleek and clean, just what I imagined. 

We could even see the Green Island (Lyudao) from our window.
Green Island is the island where dissidents were imprisoned during Taiwan martial law period.

After resting a bit we walked from the hotel to the city center which was about a 20-minute walk.
We found the restaurant that I read online, Prince Japanese Pork Chop Cutlet.

Excellent Katsu for the price!

I would love to go back for more.

Then, we leisurely strolled around town and the night market before heading back to the hotel for the night. 

January 17, 2020 - Taitung to Chiayi
Our last day on the road. This trip was just a little short. I would have loved to spend a couple more days here on the coast and see more places. I know we have missed many popular sites like the Brown Boulevard and Takeshi Kaneshiro Tree and the day lily fields. I am sure we will come back for more next time when we are in Taiwan.

Waking up to cloudy sky but what a gorgeous sunrise right outside our windows!

Our room, 911.

I think I am in love with this city.

Breakfast buffet at the hotel.

After breakfast, before checking out, we went up to the rooftop and enjoyed the beautiful views of this city.

That was the direction of downtown on the west.



Looking north of the hotel.

On our trip home, again, we were able to enjoy the amazing scenery of the coast all the way back. It felt so clean and fresh everywhere we went. Absolutely beautiful!

Douliang Railway Station, Douliang
This is being named the most beautiful railway station in Taiwan, with a sweeping view of the Pacific Ocean. This station served the population of the Calavig Tribe up the mountains but stopped servicing since 2006 for lack of passengers. A new track was built but trains no longer make a stop here so this is basically a tourist attraction with many visitors passing by this part of the highway.

Had to find parking along the highway and then hike up to the station.

Beautiful view, indeed!

Vendors near the platform.

A map of the Calavi Tribe uphill was painted on the rock wall.

"Douliang, the most beautiful train station."

Pork Knuckles in Wanluan, Pingtung
After making our way back to the west coast, we came to the town of Wanhuan which is famous for their pork knuckles (pork legs, ham hocks). Every passerby must stop here for a meal of pork knuckles and we were not exempted. There are many, many restaurants in town that specialize pork knuckles and BIL picked the one that was made famous by the late President Chiang Jing-Kuo who visited this restaurant many times, the Hai Hong Restaurant. Hai Hong has six or seven branches in town and they have their own parking lots in the back street. We went into one of the branches and were taken to another one through the back doors. They were that busy!

These are for the to-go orders from outside the restaurant.

A plate of pork knuckles, tender and juicy.

With some side dishes of vegetables made for a delicious lunch.

That's the front of the restaurant.

Wanjin Catholic Church
In a small town like Wanluan, you would think that Buddhism or the traditional religious practice be the norm of believes. Surprisingly, here stood the oldest Catholic Church in Taiwan with many believers. This is a simple church in this quaint little town which is quite different from the temples that one would see in southern Taiwan.

This church is about 150 years old.

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3~10) posted on the wall.

With these verses, we concluded our trip to the east coast of Taiwan and safely back to our village late that afternoon.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
   Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
      Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
         Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
            Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
               Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
                  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
                     Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the 
                           kingdom of heaven."


  1. R: You pick the best hotels. All so modern and new looking. It is a pleasure after a long day to come "home" to a hotel you don't have to worry about. Clean, comfortable and everything in working order.

    I love your shots of the breakfast buffets in the place yous stay. I guess these won't be available for some time now, as everything needs to be served! Raining here, so we wait for the afternoon to go for a walk. Hoping you have no trouble with demonstrations near you!


    1. I felt lucky that the hotel in Taitung turned out nice since I was responsible in picking that one out. Haha!
      We had a huge demonstration/march in town yesterday. Thank God it turned out peacefully and orderly. With everything going on, I really doubt that traveling will resume anytime before the end of this year. Working on this blog is therapeutic for me.
