
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Pismo Beach, California

Motorhome Trip During the Pandemic 
August 24, 2020, Home to Pismo Beach, California

Please click here for video of our trip to Pismo Beach.

It has been six months since our governor announced the Safer-at-Home order in March for the state of California. We have been following the guidelines and basically staying at home during these unpredictable time. With us being senior citizens with high risk of having pre-exiting health conditions, it is best for us and others that we stay away from the crowds as much as possible and take care of ourselves at home. We do go out for grocery shopping every few weeks and do quick runs for food and other essential items. Still, we get the travel bugs once in a while but have been waiting patiently for this pandemic to lighten up a bit. As schools are starting back online for the kids, we figured that most families would be home now as summer vacation comes to an end. There should be a lot less people out and about. Maybe it's a good time for us to take a short trip somewhere. Having the RV is an advantage during this time since it is self-contained with our own bathroom, bedroom and kitchen without having to use any public facilities. We can basically stay in our own 'home' while traveling. Hopefully, everything will turn out safe and well as we determined to stay away from other people as much as possible.

This is only a short 5-day trip just to get some 'fresh' air and have a change of pace from the ordinary days. Visiting Pismo Beach and Morro Bay on the coast would be close enough but yet interesting enough for a few days.  

Motorhome all packed and ready to roll.

By the time we loaded up and ready to leave, it was around noon. Traffic was decent as we took the route on the 210, 134, and then 101 all the way. We did hit some traffic on 134 near Burbank and also 101 around the Sherman Oaks area, but not too bad after all. I have taken some videos along the drive but for some reason, I am having problems uploading them so I'll just have to do without this time.

It was quite a scenic drive, especially once we hit Oxnard along the ocean side. Then it was a little foggy as we drove up Ventura and Santa Barbara. Weather was noticeably cooler as we were driving up the coast. We did stop at Buellton near Solvang to fill up on the gas tank. We had enough gas but thought it would be good to top it off since gas prices here was a little cheaper. All in all, it was a pleasant drive all the way to Pismo Beach. 

We have past by Pismo Beach many times when we took the 101 up to northern California but we have never stopped here before so this would be a first for us to explore this quint seaside town. It looked like a beautiful place from the highway. 

Found our RV Park for the night. This is a huge RV park with 400 sites, a very popular destination for many. We were lucky enough to get a space for one night.

It's right next to the inlet, and the beach if it is low-tide.

Our site for the night. I have requested for an end-site, and they were able to honor my request so we only have neighbors on one side.

Main entrance to the park.

They called this a resort, the whole facility is very well developed with swimming pool, game room, on-site restaurant, and kids playground. Of course, during this time, we did not use or go into any of these places.

From the edge of the campground, there are walkways that take people out to the inlet.
Here we could see some of the RVs from the inlet.

Walking out to the inlet and the beach.

We were able to stay our distances apart from others with a huge space like this.

And whenever we see people coming our way, we would dodge and turn around.

The beach.

So calm and serene. Looking back at the campground from the inlet.

Unfortunately, the pier was closed due to COVID-19.

Then hubby and I walked into the edge of town after the beach as son continued waiting for the sunset.
It was definitely very quiet in town.

Crossing the bridge back to the campground.

Absolutely beautiful!

Before heading back to make dinner, we stopped at the inlet again and took a last look at the sunset.

Some of the other RVs as we walked back to our site.
A good day traveling and enjoying the outdoors as we ended the day in Pismo Beach.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."   -- Romans 8:28


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