
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Morro Bay State Park and Sunset

Motorhome Trip During the Pandemic 
August 26, 2020, Morro Bay, California

Please click here for video of our day in Morro Bay.

We still have two nights in Morro Bay but we had to move to another RV Park since Morro Dunes only had one night available. The other RV park is just around the corner, up the street which is closer to the highway but a little further away from the beach. The only thing was that we had to check-out of Morro Dunes by 11:30 and could not check-in at Morro Strand until 1:00. We will stay at Morro Strand for two nights until Friday morning when we will head back home.

For the couple of hours between campgrounds, we decided to check out part of the Morro Bay State Park on the other side of town. Son found out that there is a nice boardwalk where we can explore a little. The drive on Main Street was uneventful and we arrived at the destination easily. The state park was actually closed but we were able to access the road to the marina and the boardwalk on the other side.

Marina Peninsula

We were able to park the RV along the side of the road just across from the marina.

This is the Marina Peninsula Trail Head.

Our RV and the marina as we walked on the trail/boardwalk.

Marina Peninsula Vista Point with a vast view of the harbor.

A weather-beaten old tree at the Vista Point.

This is also part of the Morro Bay Estuary.

The boardwalk with hardly anyone there.

Story board on the trail about the different kinds of local seabirds, quite educational.

After the relaxing walk, we had a simple lunch of sandwiches on the RV then we drove back to the Embarcadero and the iconic Morro Rock. It was very windy there but at least we could see the whole rock exposed. Many people were surfing, swimming, and fishing in this area. Instead of moving around we decided to just snap a few photos and leave.

Morro Rock in the background.

Spacious parking lot near the rock.

 Checking in was a breeze at Morro Strand RV Park. They actually have two different sites across from each other. The main one is for big rigs and the small one across the street is for smaller RVs. We were instructed to take space #7 in the smaller lot which turned out to be just like a parking lot. At least they had a picnic table at each site which made it a little nicer. Our site was one of the better ones with shades covering the picnic table. 

After setting up, we took an afternoon nap which was nice for a change. We haven't had afternoon naps since being on the road. It was quiet in the park with people either out having fun or resting. After an early dinner of home-made tacos, we took a walk out to the beach. It was like a 10-minute walk from the RV park to the beach and not that many people were there at that hour. Good thing I had two layers of jacket on to keep me from the cold wind. Weather here was in the 60s during the day and dropped into the 50s at night. Almost 20 degrees colder than L.A. and it is SUMMER!

The Rock being covered in a thick layer of fog again.

Sunset at Morro Bay.

Absolutely breath-taking!

Going, going, gone!

Back to our campsite.

The bigger lot is just across the street.

Yep, just like a parking lot!

"And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.    -- Romans 12:2



  1. REBECCA!!! I just took a look and see that I am missing so much! I will now have a good long weekend with your latest posts to read through. I'll be in touch!


    1. Haha! Patricia, good to see you back! After months of staying home, we thought it was time to go out for a few days. Our friends warned us to be careful. Hopefully we will be fine. It was so nice to be out and enjoy nature. Have a wonderful weekend!
