
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Williams to Grand Canyon

RV Trip on Route 66--California to Arizona (Day 4)
Williams to Grand Canyon, Arizona  October 8, 2020

It was rather cold the night before, as we stayed in this campground in Williams. We were waken up in the middle of the night because of the low temperature and had to add another layer of blankets to the beddings. By then, it was kind of late to take out our portable heater so we just turned on the furnace for a little while until we get up in the morning.

After getting up and had a simple breakfast, I walked around the campground a couple of times as morning exercise and took a final look at things here. This is definitely a clean and well-kept campground. Workers were already up and about, dumping trash and cleaning. Many RVs already left early in the morning, making the place even more quiet.

The building where the public bathrooms, laundry, and vending machines are located.
We got a key card to access this building, making it much safer and cleaner.

Huge picnic and BBQ area for all to use.

We were in no hurry to leave this morning, since we only have about an hour to go from Williams to Grand Canyon. We just love this place so much that we wanted to stay as long as we could. Fortunately, I also made reservation for another night here when we are on our way back in four days. It's just a bargain having the Passport America membership to stay here for half the regular price.

Our route for this morning, just a mere one-hour drive straight up north.

Taking an obligatory photo in front of the sign before entering the park.
There was a short line with people wanting to do the same.
Good thing they have spacious parking here, making it an easy stop for all makes of vehicle.

It was still a little too early to check into our campsite for the night inside the park. We were lucky to have scored a spot at the Trailer Village for one night. I tried several times online to find a space but with no success. Just a few days before the trip, I went online again, and they had one spot available. Probably because someone had canceled. Son wanted to take some pictures of the sunset in Grand Canyon and staying inside the park is the best solution. 

We stopped by Mather Point as we first entered the park and found that there were many visitors here that day. I was totally surprised and nervous at the same time because many people, young and old, were without masks. I was expecting a pretty empty park with a lot less people. I suppose everybody else had the same desire, to get out and enjoy some outdoor activities during the months of staying at home.

By the way, Mather Point has the biggest and most spacious parking lot even for RVs. In fact, they have designated RV parking in this parking lot. Other than here, it's quite difficult to park anywhere else except the one at the end of the Village, Lot D, which is also a designated RV parking lot..

Gorgeous view of Grand Canyon at Mather Point.

Just too many people!

What can I say!


After staying at Mather Point for a little while, we drove over to the Trailer Village and checked in. 

Our main objective was to get some good photos of the sunset this time around and did not plan on doing much else. We did not want to go inside any buildings and we were not planning on taking the free shuttles up to Hermit Rest which we have done many times in the past. With the pandemic, they have limited shuttle service and we just did not want to be cramped inside the bus with others. We spent the afternoon resting and enjoying the campground until it was time for us to head over to the Village for the sunset.

(For a more complete coverage and views of the campground, please watch our video on YouTube here. I forgot to take any photos of the campsite.

After locating and finding parking at the designated lot "D" for RVs, we had to take a long walk down to the Village where we plan on watching the sunset. We got lost while walking down and went into the Maswik Lodge area by mistake but found our way out soon enough. It was quite a distance away between the parking lot and the village and I certainly do not recommend people with mobility issues for this hike.
We had to cross this train track where the Grand Canyon Railway use for trains between Williams and Grand Canyon.


In the village.

Kolb Studio at the village.

Getting dark!

Lookout Studio

Ever changing colors of the canyon.

At the top of the cliff is the El Tovar Hotel, the expensive lodging here with the best views.

El Tovar Hotel

Hopi House, which is a gift shop now.

Scenic locator

A baby elk jumped up from the cliff trying to look for food with no fear of people.

After son was done with his photographing, we walked that long distance back to the RV and drove back to the campsite. By now, it was totally dark and we were so happy that we did not have to drive to the closest town for the night. It's so much nicer to be inside the park and spending the night there.

Salmon for dinner in our RV.

Tomorrow morning we will leave Grand Canyon to continue our adventure of this northeastern part of Arizona. In the next few days we will be visiting a few sites we have never been before. Should be exciting! Stay tune!

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."   -- Romans 1:21

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