
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Casa de Fruta

RV Trip to Washington, Fall 2021
Day 1, Los Angeles to Hollister, California September 6, 2021

This is a late report to cover the RV part of the trip we took in September 2021. This trip was to board the Alaska cruise from Seattle on NCL Encore and also visiting family in the Pacific Northwest. I have already covered the cruise part on previous posts. After the cruise, MOR experienced some serious medical problems and we have been dealing with that in the last few months. That's why the delay of posting the RV trip part of this journey. Hope you will enjoy these reports. I have also linked the videos of these visits if interested.

This is a most exciting and welcomed trip since the pandemic. Not only do we get to be on a cruise again but also to see family whom we have not seen in two years. We felt that this is the safest way to travel under the circumstances as we will be in our own bubble, living in our 'house on wheels', and able to avoid crowds and indoor activities as much as we want to without compromising our own safety. 

We normally start the road trip a little late in the morning as we had to prepare for the long drive. That was why I did not plan to have a long way to go today. It will also give us a better drive as we avoid the rush hour morning traffic in Los Angeles. 

All set and ready to go!

To get to our destination for the night faster, we took the I-210 and then I-5. We all know that I-5 is a boring stretch of freeway and not much interesting things to see. There was some traffic on parts of the drive since it was Labor Day and many people were trying to get home. The drive was fine and uneventful. 

After switching from I-5 to Hwy 152, passing the San Luis Reservoir, we arrived at the campground where we would spend the night. Casa de Fruta Orchard RV Resort is a family fun entertainment type of fruit-stand in the area. I was really looking forward to our stop here. Needless to say we were a bit late arriving and the place was kind of quiet at the end of this Labor Day weekend.

When we arrived, the office was already closed, but we found the envelope for us on the window that tells us where to park and all the information needed for the night. We were definitely surprised when we found out that we were the only RV in this section of the park. A site with space and privacy for sure. They also have an Inn on site but not sure how business was since we did not see anyone around.

Our very private site.

Meeting hall for groups.

The 'lonely RV'.

After setting up, we walked over to the fruit stand/restaurant area to find dinner.

Decorations and antique farm equipment around the park. 
They also have a mini-train that takes people around just for fun.

Passing by the gas station where they had the electric stations at the back.

Outside the 'fruit stand'.

Unique and nice stores on site.

Restaurant where we got dinner to go. 
Enjoyed a delicious prime-rib dinner in our RV. 
A nice ending to a tiring day of driving!

I must say that Casa de Fruta was a pleasant surprise. Would love to come back and enjoy the park some more. Sure, prices at the fruit stand and stores are a little bit higher but it's the experience that counts. The prime-rib dinner was adequately priced. A great start of our journey up north!

"Preach the Word, be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction."   -- II Timothy 4:2

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