
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Keelung (Taipei), Taiwan

2023 Spring Asia Cruises I - Holland America Westerdam Singapore to Yokohama
March 7, 2023 (Tuesday) - Keelung , Taiwan

The 34 of us in our tour group were all set and ready to get off the ship as soon as we all gathered at the Atrium before 8:00. Scott was already waiting with the bus and guide outside. So we went straight on our way to Taipei.

We were the first ship to return at this port after the pandemic so it was quite a special day for this major port in Taiwan.

A special welcoming ceremony was held inside the terminal.

Young dancers performed wonderfully for the passengers.

Outside the older cruise terminal at Keelung port.

Our drive into Taipei was uneventful and without traffic jam this morning, fortunately.

Taipei 101 in the distance from the highway.

and the Song Shan Airport

into the city

I believe this is the East Gate (Jing Fu Gate).

The Presidential Office building.

Long Shan Temple
Our first stop was the Long Shan Temple in the city center which was quite busy even on a Tuesday morning. The first time I saw such a large group of people chanting together inside a temple. Members were definitely curious as of how people worship and many of them tried the different rituals which the guide taught them.

Entering Long Shan Temple

Main entrance of the temple.

Worshippers sitting around the courtyard chanting in unison.

Courtyard inside

more worshippers

This is one of the oldest temples in Taiwan.

A very popular site for both locals and tourists.

Our tour bus in Taipei.

Nice and comfortable.

Some people got some roasted sweet potatoes from the Family Mart nearby and seemed to enjoy them. 

After Long Shan Temple, we went to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, only for about an hour. 

Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial is to commemorate the late Generalissimo who had lead the KMT government to Taiwan from China 70 some years ago. This is located near the Presidential Office building in the city center. A beautiful park of significant meaning. 

Getting near to the Memorial Hall.

I believe this is the National Theater inside the park.

Main gate entering the memorial hall.

Memorial Hall

Unfortunately, due to time limitation, we did not stay around to see the changing of the guards which should be spectacular.

Looking down from the main hall.

Now they have really cut the memorial hall exhibition in size, dedicating half of the exhibition hall to the 228 incident.  Disappointing, indeed!

Cadillacs that were contributed by overseas Chinese for Chiang's use.

A much smaller exhibition hall now.

Then, we walked over to the dumpling place across the street and had an early lunch at a restaurant nearby called Shengyuan Xiao Long Bao. Which turned out to be fabulous, with more than enough of food for everyone.  As for us, we were busy taking care of the members and did not get to really enjoy the food but ending up packing a lot of left overs for Shu-O’s son, whose office is nearby, to pick up for his lunch.

Lots of food!

Everything tasted great!

Taipei 101
After lunch, we went to Taipei 101 and had a long stay there where people were able to go up to the observatory or shop to their hearts content. Some really did and this guy bought an expensive Omega watch, Christian said that must be worth $9,000USD. He said he already has 5 Rolexes, which he is going to give to his children, now he is happy that he finally got the watch he wanted. As for us, we just walked around a little, then we sat at the Apple Store and listened to a couple of lessons there as we waited for the meeting time. We shall return in a couple of weeks!

Major attraction in Taipei.

Prices for the observatory deck.

Inside the Apple Store

Fun and practical lessons. This one is to show how to take pictures with two images in one photo.

Group pictures before leaving.

We then left 101 at 2:45 to go back to port just so people won’t be too nervous about getting back late before the 3:30 all aboard time. All is well, now our tour of Taiwan is completed. We got back in one piece, no accidents, no illnesses, thank God for His protection. I think most people really enjoyed the two-day tour that we had in Taiwan. Thanks to Scott and Mr. Su for their arrangements. 

The main port was occupied by Regent cruise ship.

We were docked at the older port near the train station.

View of Keelung as we leave port.

One good thing about Taiwan is no complication of immigration process. Unlike Philippines and Japan, which require face to face meetings with the immigration officials, wasting time. Like tomorrow, we are not even scheduled to appear for our immigration process until 10:30, making our port day even shorter.

We must have done enough walking for the day, both Christian and MOR came back after dinner and went straight to bed. 

For video of this day, please click here.

"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands."   -- Acts 17:24

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