
Monday, February 19, 2024

Short Port Visit in Haines

2023 Cunard Queen Elizabeth - 29-Day Transpacific Yokohama to Vancouver
June 13, 2023 (Tuesday) -- Haines, Alaska

It was anticipation with excitement this morning as we got up to the buffet for breakfast. Yes, they did have porridge and rice with some condiments served. I hope more people realized that these were available so it wasn’t like I was the only one complaining. Good thing that QE listened. 

The ship was ready for people getting off at around 9:45 and we gathered at 10:30 to get off the ship. At first, we were planning not to take the group since this is such an easy town to explore. With people still wanting to follow us, we decided to take them along anyway. The walk to town was like about 20 minutes and a beautiful walk. The town center just included a few short blocks with shops, restaurants, library, supermarket, etc. We covered most if not all and were ready to get back. Took about two hours to complete the visit and back on board for lunch. Son bought some fudge and we just bought a few little things at the supermarket. I must say that most everything is expensive here.

Such a pretty sight looking at the town of Haines.

Ready to explore.

What I remember about Haines from 20 years ago was that it only had one street with a couple of stores. It was more likely that we did not explore into the town itself on our last visit and just stayed near the pier. Today, they had a complimentary shuttle going into downtown all day and the walk to town was like 15-20 minutes away. Still, there’s not much to see but it’s nice to be able to check out the downtown area. The Hammer Museum in downtown looked interesting but cost $7 to get in so we skipped.

Downtown Haines

We visited a few stores, went to the city library, and shopped at a grocery store before walking back to the dock. Many people were at the library using their free Wi-Fi.

A local church.

We walked this path behind the church to get back to the ship.

A nice path with pretty flowers.

The main street right in front of the dock. That was where we spent most of our port time 20 years ago.

Lunch back on the ship was at the Golden Lion. The four of us ordered the hamburgers, which we waited for a long time to get. The burgers were good but it would have been better if they were hot. They must have sat there for quite a while before they brought them out. After that we went up to the buffet and had more food before coming back for our afternoon naps.

We also spent some time exploring the ship in the afternoon. With most people still in port, it was rather quiet and empty but very nice. It was almost like being in Europe, like Switzerland, with snow-capped mountains all around. Just breath taking! 

A smaller cruise ship waiting for her guests to be tendered back.

We have not been going to the MDR for dinner in the last couple of nights so we figured we should go there tonight just so we don’t miss our place at the same table. We will probably stay for a couple of evenings and see what we want to do next. The mixed grill served tonight was good though. Nice ending for the day!

For video of this day, please click here.

'For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."   -- Philippians 1:21

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