
It all started here...

It all started here...

Monday, August 5, 2024

Debarkation and Amtrak Cascade Vancouver to Seattle

Wine Country Coastal Cruise on Discovery Princess 
May 4, 2024 - Debarkation, Vancouver, B.C., Canada and Homeward Bound

The day that we dragged finally arrived. After spending the night with the cruise ship docked at Canada Place, we had to leave the ship early this morning. We had our last breakfast at the main dining room and then vacated our cabin at the time allowed, then patiently waited at the Vista Lounge for elite guests for our time to depart. Everything went well, except I had to look for my suitcase at the luggage pick-up area. With the help of the staff there, I was able to locate it at a different spot after all.

First sight of Vancouver waterfront.

Our train from Vancouver to Seattle is for 4:10PM on Amtrak Cascade, we still have a half day that we can explore Vancouver before the trip south. After dropping our luggage at Pan Pacific for $5 each (pick up before 3:00 or $10 pick up after 3:00), we were ready to get some delicious Chinese food in Richmond. 

It was almost a repeat of our trip here in June of 2023, when we came on Cunard Queen Elizabeth. A short walk took us to the Waterfront train station where we took the Canada Line to Richmond. This was a Saturday, so there was no crowds and an easy and comfortable ride. 

Empty car on Canada Line.

Near Vancouver Airport, by the River Rock Casino.

Wide and clean street in Richmond.

We got off at the Richmond-Brighouse Station and walked to Richmond Public Market where we found so many food stalls at the food court on the second floor. There were so many choices that it was difficult to decide what to pick.

I had this 'jianbing' when we visited Tianjin, China several years back and felt in love with it, so naturally, I had to have one here. Unfortunately, this did not live up to my expectation. 

The dungeness crab was on sale for $13.00, and it was very delicious!

A seafood porridge for hubby, another good eat.

but the best of all was this rice rolls with shrimp, beef and something else which I forgot what. We had to wait for half an hour to get this made and it was worth every minute. 

The very busy food court on this Saturday morning.

The Public Market is an older building but the food here is wonderful!

After the yummy lunch, we walked back to the Richmond-Brighouse station and took the Canada Line to Aberdeen Center. We wanted to check out a bakery there for some pastries to take to our family in Seattle.

At the station.

Inside the train.

Aberdeen Center Mall

We just took a stroll around the food court here without purchasing anything this time since we were all very full from the food we had earlier.

Then we found this bakery downstairs with a line. Most people were lining up for their daily special, $1 deal of the day was their red bean buns. Not knowing about the sale, the lady assumed that we wanted some and added them to our order, which turned out to be great! We also got some famous egg tarts and BBQ pork Bolo Buns. They were all very good!

Everything looks delicious!

There is a Korean market right next door but we did not have time to go inside.

Back to the Aberdeen Center station and took the train back to Waterfront.

From Waterfront Station, we walked back to Pan Pacific and picked up our bags. Then back to the station and took the Expo Line to the Main Street-Science World station. From there it's just a short walk to the Pacific Central Station where we will board the Amtrak Cascade.

Inside the train station. Everything looks so familiar!

There were more people traveling this time around, possibly because it's a Saturday, and the line was very long when it came boarding time. Fortunately, there was a separate line for Business Class and people with Global Entry, which got us priority boarding. Much quicker going through immigration clearance than the last time we were here. 

We dropped our checked luggage at the luggage car first before getting on our coach car. We were the first to be there so we had all these seats waiting for us to be picked. 

Seats on the right have the best views.

Pastries from the bakery...

and clam chowder from the dinning car on the train for a simple dinner.

Passing by White Rock.

Beautiful scenery along the way.

At around 8:00PM, we arrived at Everett, where we were picked up by our nephew to their house in Mukilteo. Oh, one thing I need to mention is that when we crossed the Canada/US border, all we had to do was to just stay in our seats and wait for the officers to come by and check our travel documents. It was much easier than taking the bus where we had to get off, go inside the building and see the officers, then get back on the bus. I think this is the best way to travel between Canada and the US.

Waking up to the most beautiful view from my nieces' guest room. With Widbey Island across the channel. 

and a breakfast of blueberry pancakes.

What can I say, Jonny's cooking is top notch and most delicious in his professional grade kitchen.

Mushroom with pork belly.


Jonny made me a cup of his specialty coffee every morning even though he was busy with his daily work schedule. Thanks, Jonny!

They also took us to some amazing restaurants in the area while we were there. This little Vietnamese restaurant was one of them.

Run by a young couple.

Really good pho

and Banh Mi!

My rice dish with grilled pork.

I believe this is the Kona Kitchen in Lynwood. Excellent Hawaiian food!

Beautiful sunset outside our window.

After spending a few days with family, we were ready to head home. I was able to reserve a rental car through Costco Travel for a good price for this one-way rental between Everett and Ontario. Much better than flying home since we like road trips anyway. Driving gives us a chance to see the country and if we wanted, we can do some tax-free shopping in Oregon also. 

Picking up the rental car, smaller than I expected but it worked out fine.

What a beautiful view of Mt. Hood!

That evening, we arrived at Yreka, where we would spend the night at this Best Western Miner's Inn.

After checking-in, we found dinner at the Black Bear Diner in town.

A wonderful meal to end the day!

The next morning, after a decent breakfast at the motel, we were reading for our last leg of this journey.

Mr. Shasta in northern California. Almost as beautiful as Mt. Fuji, as one of my friends says.

After a long day driving, we arrived home safely at around 7:00PM that day. What a wonderful journey we had! This is the best kind of trips that we like, a cruise with the chance of seeing family, making this a perfect vacation!

Returning the rental car the next morning at Ontario Airport.
Thank you for coming along. For video of this part of our trip, please click here.

"What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" -- Psalm 8:4