
Monday, May 20, 2013

Kunming, China #1

Kunming, China (4/24/2013)

Kunming is called the "City of Spring", supposedly has fine weather year-round without winter or summer. It is also the chief producer of fresh flowers.

After arriving so late the night before we were still able to get up in the morning and ready for breakfast. We had a whole free day waiting for the rest of our tour group to arrive at this hotel.

clean bathroom

comfortable beds

restaurant off the main lobby where breakfast was served


Wenhui Hotel, Kunming--This hotel is located in a college town area of Kunming.

After breakfast we walked to the Lotus Pond Garden near the hotel, about a 15-minute walk away.

We bumped into one of the guards working there and he gave us a brief introduction of the garden.

Then we just walked around on our own and spent a relaxing morning in this beautiful park.

As we were told, this garden has some historic facts--this was once the residence of Chen Yuen Yuen.

These women were dancing and singing happily and having a good time.

Then we walked across the street exploring the surrounding area.

Found a little noodle place that looked decent and enjoyed a bowl of beef noodle.

a good lunch

After stopping at a college mini-market and got a couple of things, we went back to the hotel and rested for the afternoon.

Dinner at the hotel restaurant

Saw this on the menu and Christian wanted to try it--fried goat cheese.

This meal cost us about $20 USD, not bad.

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