
Monday, June 17, 2013

Dali, Yunnan, China

Dali, Yunnan (4/28/2013)

Our tour left Lijiang back to Dali this morning. Again, we had very good weather and it was a pleasant drive all the way. When we reached the bottom of Cangshan, we took the cable car up to where we were to check out the caverns. The cable car was about 5km long and reached up to about 1km in elevation.

the simple cable car (gondola) ride

entrance to the caverns

colorful lights made this cavern looked kind of strange, not as natural as I preferred

exiting the caverns

from there, the beautiful sight of Erhai Lake appeared right in front


Time for lunch!

Beautiful garden at the restaurant where we had lunch.

beautiful gateway

What?! I think it meant to say "Public Toilet for Tourists"

Main entrance to Dali Old Town

One of the shopping stop--Silver Store

many silver shops inside old town

Then we took the electric cars to the Foreigner Street area.

Foreigner Street

with many bars and cafes

Dali Catholic Church

built in 1927

church entrance

no pictures allowed inside the church

a high school nearby

1st High School of Dali

Checking in at our hotel which is at the edge of Dali Old Town--Regent Hotel

Everything was fine at this hotel except this ripped drape. They really should replace this.

Dinner at the hotel restaurant.

After dinner we went out for a stroll around town. This is the side door of the hotel.

Our hotel was not far from one of the city gates.

one of the vendors at the wet market

washing vegetables at the ditch, hmmm...

outdoor grill of a restaurant

The gate of Old Town next to the hotel.

Back to our hotel for the night. This hotel is spread out in a vast compound. Fortunately, our room was right at the main building near the lobby. Some people complained about their rooms being very far away and had to find their way around.

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