
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Seattle--Pike Place Market etc.

August 20, 2013

We decided to drive down the 101 along the Oregon Coast again on our way back to L.A.  which made us cut short of our stay in Seattle for one day. This would be our last full day with families up in this beautiful city. Thanks to Ines who took a few days off from work to take us around town and she treated us to a nice lunch at the Eliott Bay Marina area near the Smith Cove Cruise Terminal.

Another sunny summer day.

Excellent seafood sandwiches

Just looking at that cruise ship made me wanted to go on a cruise again.

After lunch, Ines did the driving and took us to Pike's Market in the downtown area where we spent a couple of hours there.

colorful flowers

Rachel, the bronz piggybank

From Pike Place Market we walked up to the Westgate Center area.

Ines and Christian discussing if they should walk under that waterfall.

Christian did and he came out a little wet.

After shopping a little at the shopping center we came back to Pike Place Market area.

very busy alley

If anyone is in the area, they should really try these--Piroshky. They usually have a line out the door but we were lucky, no lines. This store is near the Starbucks.

Beef and Cheese is their best seller but I tried something that I don't remember the name of and it was WONDERFUL!

The original Starbucks

           Then we drove up north to Everett, I believe, to see the house that Jonny has been working on. 

Looking great!

Then we enjoyed a big dinner at the Great Wall Shopping Center in Kent. Too bad Jasmine and Andy couldn't join us.

Other than the fish everything was well prepared and delicious! You can really get good Chinese food in Seattle now!

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