
Monday, March 23, 2015

A Day in Rome

Coloseum, Roman Forum, Jewish Ghetto, and Circus Maximus -- February 13, 2015

We got up a little later this morning and had a simple breakfast with the food that we got from the coop the night before. Then we walked to the Metro station nearby to get to our first site, Coloseum. On our way to the Metro station, right next to the B&B (Tomas) where we stayed in 2012, the guys wanted to get some fresh pizzas for breakfast. They were sold by piece and weigh with many varieties.

Enjoying the fresh, hot pizzas on a cold morning.

Then we took the metro to Termini for the connection to Coloseo station. This was taken as we waited for our train at Termini.

This was what we saw as we exited the Coloseo station.

DC had purchased our tickets online already, so we were able to just get in line for security check and walked in. They did ask us to open our bags for them to inspect. We had downloaded Rick Steve's audio guide so we were able to follow through with his descriptions which turned out to be very helpful.

Some shots of the inside of the Coloseum.

Sight of the Arch of Constantine from the Coloseum.


Our tickets also included the Forum and Paletine Hill.

The line for security to the Forum was quite long so be prepared for a long wait. The Arch of Titus as we entered the Forum.

View of the Forum. We did not have a chance to visit the Forum the last two times we were here. This became a must-see this time.

This was where Julius Ceasar's body was burned, right behind the Temple of Julius.

The Temple of Julius

Temple of Vesta

After exiting the Forum, we walked to the Mamertinum nearby. This was where Peter and Paul have been imprisoned in Rome.

View of Forum and Paletine Hill from the exit on the opposite end of the entrance.

We then walked from the Forum to the Jewish Ghetto for lunch. On our way we passed by the Capitoline Hill.

The restaurant that the young men picked was for a Kosher lunch the Nonna Betta restaurant in the Jewish Ghetto.

We each ordered different dishes and then more to share.

Fried vegetables

I think these are fried pumpkin flowers.

Artichokes Jewish style

The codfish on their Happy Lunch menu.

This was my favorite, but I can't seem to match what this was with their menu. A beef dish sautee with some vegetables. A bit salty for my taste, but delicious.

The street where the restaurant is located.

Restorations of old buildings in the area.

We then walked around the area and then went over to the Mouth of Truth and finally ended at Circus Maximus. By then we were all very tired and called Uber for two taxies home again and called it a day. Everybody slept until around 9:30PM when DC/MC went out to look for food. They came back with some pizzas at a closing pizzeria but were disappointed with the left over pizzas.

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