
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Vatican and An Evening Around Rome

Rome--Vatican, Piazza Popolo, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Column of Marcus Aurelius, Pantheon, Piazza Navona--February 12, 2015

Due to the jet lag, we all woke up early, and got ourselves ready for our first whole day touring Rome. Breakfast was whatever we had in our bags--coffee, nuts, crackers, cheese, and peanut butter. DC booked our tickets online for a 10:00 tour of the Vatican and we did not want to be late. The Vatican was about 350 feet away from the apartment and the museum entrance was about 1,500 feet away. After arriving the entrance we went straight in even though there were long lines of people waiting outside.

The line wrapped around the walls of the Vatican.

After security check, we got our guided-tour tickets from the booth and waited for the 10:00 group to start. Receivers and ear plugs were given out and the tour started on time.

The lobby of the museum

Our guide, who has a PhD in history and art explained what we would see inside the Sistine Chapel as we entered the courtyard. She was not allowed to talk in the Chapel.

This is our third time to the Vatican so I was not as enthusiastic as I should. Probably because I was tired also.

I have taken many pictures on the two previous visits so I was holding back a little this time.

After the museum and the Sistine Chapel, we were taken to the Bisilica. At the end of the tour, we also went underground on our own to the necropolis, where previous popes were buried, including Peter's. For some reason I did not take any pictures down there.

We decided that since we have never climbed the dome before on our previous visits, we should do it this time. We paid 7 euros pp for the climb with part elevator. (5 euros without elevator)

Elevator ride ends here

Only half of this balcony was opened inside the dome.

Then we continued the climb up to the top of the dome. It was a killer! The stairs got narrower and curvier. I thought I was going to get stuck with a heart attack there. We finally made it to the top and I was out of breath. Was it worth it? Let's see...

This was what we saw up at the top.

Was it worth it? I say 'No!' We ended up with bad leg cramps that afternoon. I am glad that now I can say "we did it" but I would not recommend this to people who are not at their best physical condition. It was just too strenuous and exhausting for a 'senior citizen' like myself.

Just imagine climbing along the ceiling of the dome!

Happy to be alive!

Swiss guards

After our tour of the Vatican, we went for a late lunch at Il Colibri, which is close by and a restaurant that we had visited a couple of times before. There were a dozen of priests sitting at the tables next to ours which means this must be a local favorite. They have daily lunch specials for 10 euros, which includes a small salad, a pasta and a main dish, plus drink. The pasta was good, chicken delicious but small portions, salad was OK. It was a good deal for 10 euros and the service was exceptional.

After lunch, we decided we need to go back to the apartment for afternoon nap because everybody was tired. We slept until around 6 before heading out again. We thought it would be a good idea just to walk around Rome at night and experience the life of this amazing city after hour.

DC, who has so much information and knowledge, acted as our private guide.

The two cathedrals standing side by side at Piazza Popolo.

One of the fountains at the piazza.

The Egyptian obelisk

Rome at night as we walked from Piazza Popolo to Spanish Steps.

Spanish Steps

Group picture

The Trevi Fountain was covered with scaffolding and glass walls for restoration.

The Column at Piazza Colonna

Then we enjoyed the best gelato at Giolitti gelateria!

Of course, the Pantheon was closed at night. We came here during the day on our previous trips so it gave us a different perspective being here at night this time around.

We found a local market nearby and bought bread, yogurt, cheese etc. for breakfast for the next two days. Then we continued our walk to Piazza Navona.

We were very tired after this, so we called Uber and got 2 taxis to take us back to our apartment. They respond quickly and we were safely taken 'home' in the comfort of a Mercedes and an Audi. 

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