
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Almost There, 5th and 6th Sea Day

NCL Getaway Transatlantic, Day 6
May 5, 2017 - At Sea

We missed breakfast again. Lunch was at the buffet at 11:15. Actually that was the time that overlapped breakfast and lunch, so one side of the buffet was closed in preparation for the lunch crowd. Lunch at the buffet had basically the same categories everyday with small changes within those categories. Like pasta, they may have certain pasta one day and then another pasta the next day. Same with the roasted chicken, they would change the flavor of how they cooked the chicken each day. I usually have some kind of Indian food, a piece of roasted chicken thigh, and a salad for lunch.

We could definitely feel the waves since last night. While at lunch, the captain announced that we would go a little faster this afternoon because the waves would be even worse tomorrow and we would have to slow down quite a bit. We were all getting a little excited because just one more sea day, we would be on land. Or would we?


Le Bistro on deck 6

Atrium where they held most of the games. This space is really not big enough for a ship of this size. I don't understand the reasoning except that maybe this is a space with plenty of foot traffic with Guest Services, Excursions, and Future Cruise desks all near here.

Illusionarium, which was not available any more on this sailing. This was the gathering place for our  excursion when we went on the ship tour for London. This was the only ship excursion that we booked because of the limited time we had for this port. In order not to risk being left behind if we were late coming back, we figured joining the ship tour would be our best bet. We really made the right decision as it turned out to be a big fiasco when we docked at Southampton. 

As Latitude Platinum members, we were given two specialty dining vouchers when we boarded the ship. Even though all three of us are Platinum, we only received two vouchers which means only two of us can use these vouchers. Not fair, but what can you do. With that, ChC and I made reservation for the two of us at Moderno for a Mother and Son dinner. MOR would join us on our second visit here using our UDP later on. While we were having dinner here at 5:30, the rest of our group enjoyed their early dinner at Tropicana with "Burn the Floor" as entertainment that evening. 

I really enjoyed the salad bar at Moderno. 

Lobster Bisque with chunks of lobster.

Not that busy yet and we had a table by the window.

Yummy cheese bread

Great salad

I thought the glass was very pretty.

Turn the card to green when ready for the meat.

Flip it over if you have enough, otherwise they will keep bring more food to your table.

Some of the meat I had. This is a meat-lover's paradise. 

Sides--I really enjoyed the buttered rice.

Grilled pineapple

ChC had the flan...

...and I had the papaya cream. Light and delicious! Very refreshing.

When we went back to the cabin after dinner, we found that Ashok, our cabin steward was still cleaning the room. Oh, we had early dinner tonight and that was why. We decided to just explore the ship a little and let him finish his job. After an hour or so, MOR said he did not eat that much at dinner and he wanted to have some noodle at Shanghai. There was no line by then but we still waited a little with a beeper before we were seated. MOR had the char siu rice noodle, and I ordered the Singapore noodle. We shared an order of egg roll and dessert. Too much food for me and I told MOR that we shouldn't do this again. 

The chandelier that changed colors.

I don't think we had to set the time tonight.

Day 7
May 6, 2017

The banging noise caused by the waves kept me awake last night. Fortunately, when I got up before 9, the waves seemed to have subsided. Wind speed, 28 knots. One more sea day and we should be arriving the Azores tomorrow.

Almost there!

Had lunch at the Garden buffet again with SC and SO. We just did our own things during the day. We received a notice that everybody needs to have immigration check on Monday and our scheduled time coincided with our Behind the Scene tour for Platinum members. Oh well... 

We attended the lecture on Brest, France in the afternoon at the theater. A lot of people showed up even 30 minutes before the talk. I guess people wanted to find out more about this port since this is not a popular stop.

Dinner was at Tropicana again but not with Nelson. We were told that his tables were all filled. I was still stuffed with all that food from last night so I just ordered the main. The barramundi was OK, not the best I had. For dessert I had the peach tarlet which was quite good, crispy and not too sweet.

Don't remember what this was. Must be MOR's dish.

This must be ChC's seafood risotto.

My barramundi.

Peach Tarlet

After dinner we went to the Cruise Next desk to ask about the Behind the Scene tour that coincided with our immigration time. We were told that we should go ahead with the tour and go to the immigration thing later. Well, this turned out to be a no-worries because of what happened later.

With Ponta Delgarda as our first port of call tomorrow, we wanted to be ready for the visit and went to bed early. We were ready!

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