
Monday, September 4, 2017

Total Eclipse

Eclipse Road Trip Day 8, August 21, 2017 (Monday)

One of the reasons that we took this road trip was to see if we can get as close as possible to the total eclipse in Oregon. MOR decided that this would be a once in a life time experience that he didn't want to miss. Little did we know that by the time we decided on the trip, most hotels from miles around the areas of totality were booked solid. I managed to find a room at a small motel in Roseburg, Oregon for the night of August 20 but had to cancel because it wouldn't make sense for us to travel up north back to Salem/Albany area again the next morning to see the eclipse. Instead, we planned on leaving Auburn real early that morning and head down to Oregon for the big event. After reading more about the heavy traffic expected that day, and saw the electronic signs along the freeways while we were in Seattle warning of the eclipse traffic, we decided to leave Auburn the night before to get a head start and also not to interrupt AT/ET's bed time. We would then find a parking spot to spend the night and wait for the eclipse in the morning. 

We have read that the best place to see the eclipse was between Salem and Albany with 100% totality. We have checked out a particular rest area called Santiam River Rest Area which seemed to be right between the two cities on our way up and it seemed ideal. We also had a back-up plan if that didn't work out, that was to spend the night at the Wal-mart parking lot. Wal-Marts are known for allowing overnight parking in their parking lots for RVers and many of them are open 24-hour so bathroom facilities would be available throughout the night. 

We left Auburn around 8:30 after bidding farewell to AT and ET. The drive was uneventful with traffic a little more than usual at that hour but without any heavy traffic or jam. We made a couple of rest stops before arriving at the Santiam River Southbound Rest Area around 11:00. We were shocked by what we saw. The whole parking lot and even the grass area were filled with hundreds of cars spending the night there! There was no way that we would be able to find an empty spot. Even if we could, going to the restroom would be a problem with that many people there. We quickly decided that Wal-mart would be our best bet, so off to Albany we went. 

I was expecting the parking lot to be busy but found it pretty empty, considering what happened at the rest area. There were like 20 some cars and RVs parked in the huge parking lot and I believe they were all planning on spending the night there. We went inside the store, did some shopping and used their restrooms. Then went back to the car ready to spend the night there. As we were getting comfortable, we saw a security guard going around the parking lot talking to the people inside the cars and soon those cars would leave the lot. We thought it would be our turn soon. Sure enough, about half an hour later, we heard a knock on the window and the guard told us that we could not stay there overnight. He said that one Wal-mart is a no-overnight parking store because of the residents right next to the store. The city ordinance made it illegal for any cars to park there overnight. He suggested for us to move over to Costco across town and park there instead. We had no choice but moved.

As we followed his direction to Costco, we really couldn't see where exactly it was located since it was very dark in the middle of the night but found many cars and RVs parked near a big building, so we followed and found a spot. It turned out that it was the WinCo parking lot and it was also opened 24-hours so there was restroom facilities available nearby. It was a little more noisy here than the Wal-mart because it was right near the freeway but we tried to sleep for a couple of hours before day break. All through the night, there were cars coming and going with many more stopping for the night. 

When we got up the next morning, we went over to the Burger King which was right next to the parking lot, and had some hot breakfast and coffee. They were very busy that morning with so many people spending the night there. We also noticed that there was a sign posted at the parking lot that says "No Overnight Parking", but WinCo was nice enough not to chase people away that night. Costco, which was just across the street, actually cordoned off their parking lot with tapes and cones so nobody was able to park there the night before. They removed the tapes and cones as the morning went on to get ready for their business. We figured we should fill up our tank before the eclipse in case there's going to be a long line afterward so we moved our van to the gas station then parked at the Costco parking lot where there were less people to set up our observation site.

Saying goodbye to AT/ET before driving down to Oregon.

Some of the vehicles that parked in the WinCo parking lot across from the Costco lot.

Some people set up 'camp' at the Costco parking lot.

Costco lot

Ready and waiting...

The sky started to turn darker...

...this was just a little after 10:00am...

...and it went totally dark.
People cheered and clapped, we could even hear fire-crackers bursting somewhere.

I still regret not doing a video instead. MOR had his video camera on and captured the whole process.

Just amazing!

can't really tell from this but it was very clear through the dark lens.

Back to normal, all in about 10 minutes.

I must say that it was an incredible experience! Watching the sky turning dark and then back to normal again in just a few minutes time. Glad that MOR made the decision to do this trip which we will never forget in our life time.

After the eclipse, we went inside Costco and did some shopping before making our ways out of this town. We would be taking Highway 20 to the coastal area for a few nights before getting home. As the GPS guided us on our route, we saw that Fwy 5 and the streets next to it were all jammed with solid traffic. We quickly found our own way out, taking a little detour through the side streets and finally got out of there. Then it was trouble-free all the way out to Newport on this country road.

Newport, Oregon
It took us a little more than an hour to get to Newport, Oregon where we planned on having lunch here at Mo's. 

Someone having a good day crabbing right at the pier!

While waiting for our table at Mo's Annex, we walked over to the Sea Lion Dock to check out the sea lions.

It's always fun watching the sea lions.

More visitors than usual. Many people stayed by the coast for the eclipse also. We have checked the hotels up and down the coast and they were all sold out.

Coast Guard

Yaquina Bay Bridge

Finally got our table to enjoy a delicious seafood lunch. Their famous clam chowder was wonderful!

MOR's halibut steak. We really came here for their baked oysters, but they ran out on that day. So disappointing!

My seafood saute.

ChC's Seafood Cioppino. All delicious!

Then we drove up to the Yaquina Bay State Park and Lighthouse area for the view.

a closer view of the Yaquina Bay Bridge.

Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, which was opened for visitors that day.

After Newport, we continued our drive down south on Hwy 101. This is just a very pretty drive everywhere you turn.

Thorn's Well and Spouting Horn area

Unfortunately, it was low tide, and the spouting horn was not 'spouting'.

Haceta Head Lighthouse Scenic Viewpoint

Cape Creek Bridge

Cape Cove

Mouth of Cape Creek

Oregon Dunes

After passing the town of Florence, we arrived at our motel for the night. The Best Budget Inn in Reedsport. This was the closest hotel that we could find in the surrounding area which was still affordable. There was one other hotel which cost $499 per room for one night. Ouch! This was OK for a one night stay. 

Right off Highway 101.

The check-in clerk told us about the lighthouse nearby, but that can wait til tomorrow. We just wanted to crash after the drive and the practically sleepless night the night before.

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