
Monday, June 18, 2018

Sapporo and Otaru

NCL Jewel 21-Day Transpacific Cruise Tokyo to Seattle
May 11, 2018 (Friday) -- Otaru, Japan (Sapporo)
Time in port: 8:00am~6:00pm

This is our last stop in Japan before heading out to Russia. We have been to Otaru before with a long day scheduled but we ended up just having half a day here in 2015 due to the long process of immigration check. Hopefully, we will make up the time for our day here. NCL called this port Sapporo but we figured it out before the trip that we will dock in Otaru, a 40-minute train ride away from Sapporo. Otaru is known for glassworks, music boxes and sake distilleries. The Otaru Canal is also an important site that was completed in 1923, and now lined with cafes and shops that were converted from old warehouses.

We had breakfast at the Garden Buffet this morning. As expected, it was very crowded and hectic. We shared a table with a couple from South Africa, and then a Chinese couple from Seattle joined us later. It was just God's will in putting us together that morning because Dennis and Alice are also Christians. We found out that we have common friends in both the LA and Seattle Chinese Christian communities and we soon became good friends on this trip. What an amazing encounter!

Our ship docked safely at Katsunai Pier, the same spot as last time. 

The brown building is a big mall nearby, but we never got a chance to go there. There is a train stop near there, the "Otaruchikko" stop.

The Otaru Ferry Terminal. The stroller bus (Y210 per trip or Y750 one-day pass) will pick up from the parking lot there to take people to town. We took the bus from there last time because we had elderly members with us but this time we plan on just walking.

We met at 8:15 to get off the ship and then just walked straight out from port. With TC guiding us, we would take the 20-minute walk to the Minami-Otaru station to Sapporo. Several in our group visited Sapporo before but not us, so this should be fun!

There is a little hike up the hill to the train station but quite interesting. It may be a flatter walk to the Otaruchikko station.

We finally arrived at the Sapporo Station.
The 40-minute train ride (Y650 each way) sounded long, but it was because we had to stop at every little town on the train. The actual distance is not that far.

Not sure what this glass structure is called, but it's right outside of the JR Station south entrance. 

Sapporo Station

JR Station south entrance right next to Daimaru Department store.

We just followed the main street, Sapporo Ekimae Dori, to find our first stop. I believe there is an underground shopping street along this main street but we did not go there. We generally like to see what's above ground instead of underground.

Sculptures along the street.

About three blocks from the train station we arrived at the Japanese Prefecture Government Office and where the Karafutokankei Museum is.

Beautiful day, beautiful flowers!

We did go inside the museum for a little bit and browsed around but did not stay long because of time.

It's free admission.

Colorful tulips in the garden.

Then we walked to the Odori Park just a couple of blocks away. This is a park that occupied about ten blocks across the city with the Sapporo Tower at one end. There are several monuments and fountains inside this park which makes this a very pleasant place to be on a good day like this.

The iconic Sapporo TV Tower, which was built in 1957.

Again, there is the underground shopping right beneath this park. This makes sense when they have to go through harsh wintry weather here.

Taking a break from the walk.

Just two blocks south is the Nijo Market. We were curious what we would find here.

Oh, BBQ scallop and oyster! We must try that.

Y500 each for the huge BBQ scallop, Y450 sashimi. Absolutely fresh and tasty! Worth every yen.

Very busy!

Dig in!

We did not really go inside this market since the BBQ scallop place was on the outer edge.

Ready for our next stop...

Tanukado Road Shopping District, which is a covered pedestrian shopping street just a block away from Nijo Market. There are many good stores here selling merchandise of good prices. I almost bought a kimono type jacket which only cost Y2000. Very pretty material and solid craftsmanship. Then I realized that there is really no occasion that I can wear this beautiful outfit to now that I am retired so I put it back down, sadly.
We also bought some takoyaki to try and they were delicious!

After the shopping street, we went back to the JR station then separated into smaller groups to look for lunch. Some went to the Daimaru Department store to get sushi. ChC decided he would go and look for the famous Kinotoya cheese tart store inside the station and skip lunch. Some of us decided to go to the Ramen Republic to look for some Hokkaido Ramen.

The Ramen Republic is on the 10th floor of the ESTA building right next to the JR station.

Entrance to Ramen Republic

I think there are eight different ramen shops inside. After walking around, we decided on this first one closest to the entrance, the Yoshiyama Shouten.

This was their spicy ramen for Y880. The egg was added as an extra.

I had their Y1000 House Special ramen, which was very good! A little too much for me but delicious! This one came with half an egg.

They say when you are in Sapporo, you need to have their Sapporo ramen. We did it!

Taking the train back to Otaru
After lunch we got back together and took the train back to Otaru. This time we took the speed train which only stopped at a few stops but very crowded. Not everybody got seats and it was quite tiresome to have to stand the whole time after walking all morning.

After getting off at the main station in Otaru, we walked down to the canal area. It's a downhill walk so it was not as strenuous as this morning when we were hiking up.

It was actually quite pleasant walking in this beautiful city on a beautiful day like this.

I think this is called Thriller Karaoke Music House Otaru. Not sure what it is but it looked interesting from the outside.

Finally, arrived at the Canal.

ChC did not get a seat on the train and he was very tired. We found a bench to rest and enjoyed the cheese tarts that he got in Sapporo while admiring the scenery.

Absolutely incredible! Soft and creamy with a crunchy crust.

Then we continued our walk around town...from the canal to the Otaru glass shop...

to another souvenir store with a pretty name "Beauties Under the Moon".

Then we turned to the main shopping street of Sakaimachi.

Main Street Sakaimachi

This time we did not get the rainbow tower ice cream cone, instead we enjoyed our cones from the famous LeTao  store at the end of the street. ChC also bought a piece of their famous cheese cake to try. Everything was yummy, including the chocolate samples they were passing out.

The Otaru Steam Clock which sounds every 15 minutes.

Even though we were tired, all of us decided to walk back to port instead of taking the bus. It was a 20-minute flat walk, so it wasn't bad at all. And on the way, we stopped at the Shin-Nantaru Market just to satisfied our curiosities.

Back on the ship, we all had to go through Japanese Immigration for our exit check. We will be leaving Japan tonight and on our way to our next port, Petropavlovsk, Russia.

Before we set sail, a group of beautiful dancers braved the cold weather to perform for us. I am sure the little girl who was dancing behind the group three years ago is now officially in.

I think this was her.

Unfortunately, because of our dining time, we were not able to see the show til the end.

When we went to the main dining room at our appointed time of 5:45 as scheduled, we found that our tables were not set for the right number of people, again. Not enough chairs and not enough place settings. We waited and nobody was around. By now, we all felt that we have given enough chances for our waiter to improve and it seemed like nothing matters. After waiting a while with no waiter showing up, I went to Alvin, the host of the restaurant, and told him our problems. He immediately talked to the Matre' D, and they were able to switched us to a long table that could fit all of us. They said the group that had that particular table will not be there that evening but they were not sure if we can have it for the next evening. We ended up staying at that table for the rest of the cruise. We had a new server, Rechelle and a new assistance, John and they worked out perfectly. As for the former waiter? He did not show up until 6:18 that day for work. So glad we were done with him!

Garlic and Pepper crusted Striploin

Pan fried Tilapia

Our first time change tonight moving the clock an hour forward.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
                                                                                                                                         John 14:6

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