
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Fun Time in Seattle

Time with Family in Seattle after the Cruise 
May 27~29, 2018

With some in our group flying back home for the weekend, the rest of us planned to have some fun time with our family members up in Seattle. We don't get to see them that often but we are thankful that we are able to visit whenever we are in town. 

After a good night sleep at AT/ET's house, we were ready to take the long drive up north to Everett again.

Granduncle doesn't get to hold grandnephew that often.

Taylor Shellfish Farms -- 2182 Chuckanut Drive, Bow, Washington
I have heard of this place because ILP and JLP took some family members there about two years ago. When we were in Seattle last year, they wanted to bring us there but because of the wild fire up north, no open fire was allowed at that time. It was great to be here finally. 

There were a lot of people there on this day because it was Memorial Day weekend with perfect weather. We were fortunate that we were able to find parking after a couple of cars left at the right moment. 

What a view!

Samish Bay

One of the Taylor Shellfish Farms locations.

Oyster Beds

The market with indoor seating and the outdoor picnic area.

The indoor area was quite empty that day.

With most people preferred sitting outdoor.

There was a long line at the market with customers purchasing their seafood.

The line stretched all the way out to the parking lot.

Many different kinds of oysters for sale.

We had to wait but finally got a couple of tables for our oyster feast.

Oyster shells everywhere.


We got two big bags of oysters.

As fresh as they could be.

Some like them raw...

some like them cooked.

Everybody was busy shucking and enjoying the treats.
It was certainly a fun and delicious experience!

Touring JLP's Projects
One thing I like to do when in Everett is to see the work that JLP is doing. He is like a miracle worker who can turn something upside down. The house we saw on the previous day was one example. With his skilled craftsmanship, he can really turns things around.

The newest project that he recently acquired.
This house is in an upscale neighborhood but it looks pretty run-down.

Oh my!

I am sure the neighbors will thank him when he is done renovating this house.
Can't wait to see the end result of this house.

Then he took us to see a condo that he had finished and just put on the market.


This was sold the next day.

Cream puffs served at the Vietnamese Pho Place.

Yummy Pho!

At this restaurant in Everett.

T & T Seafood Restaurant
Our last dinner together before leaving Seattle was at a new restaurant that we have never been before, the T and T Seafood Restaurant in Edmonds. It's right at the 99 Ranch Market Mall in Edmonds. Good food, good prices on a not-so-busy evening.

Cantonese Style Crispy fried chicken

Peking Duck

Sweet and sour pork

Sauteed Green Bean with Shredded Pork

Beef with Black Bean Sauce

Sizzling Filet Mignon with Black Pepper

House Special Fried Rice

House Special Chow Mein

Enjoying our food.

All gone!

Alaska Airline Flight 424
Time to go home after this fun and long trip over the Pacific Ocean. What a memorable journey! It's fun to be traveling and cruising around the world. It's super fun when traveling with families. At our age, I treasure every opportunity I have to be spending time with my family.  Cruising is the way to go!

At the airport lounge before boarding our flight home.

Pretty full!

Taking the airport train to the gate.

Finally flying home!

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."                                                                                Luke 11:9~10


  1. Hi, Rebecca

    Wonderful! I have never seen Peking Duck served with those (steamed?)buns, only with flat pancakes and iceberg lettuce leaves. Can you tell me something about those buns?

    What a feast! Very fresh and artfully prepared! I've written down the name of the restaurant for the next time we head south.

    Thanks for the concluding post for this trip. An excellent read!


  2. You are an expert, Patricia! Very true! If you have Peking duck in Beijing, they will most likely serve them with the thin pancake wrappers. This thicker bun is what we called "Lotus-Leaf Buns" mostly used in Cantonese restaurants when serving Peking duck. I guess you can call it the Cantonese version of Peking duck. You can get these Lotus-Leaf buns in most Chinese grocery markets, like 99 Ranch, in their freezer cases. Both of these wrappers work for us, we are not picky. :)
    Thank you for reading and following on this trip report. Your support is greatly appreciated. Hopefully, we will meet in person one day, maybe on a cruise!?
    Happy traveling!
