
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Seattle Debarkation

NCL Jewel 21-Day Transpacific Cruise Tokyo to Seattle
May 26, 2018 (Saturday) -- Debarkation, Seattle, Washington

That's it! We had to get off the ship! After 21 days on the ship, we arrived at Pier 66 at the waterfront of Seattle. This cruise terminal is the closest thing in town, a walk up to Pike Market. 

After breakfast at O'Sheehan's, we gathered our things and went down to deck 7 to wait for everybody so we could get off the ship together as a group. 

View of the Seattle Great Wheel down south.

And the Smith Cove Pier up north. That's where the HAL and Princess ships dock.
We cruised the HAL Zaandam from there a few years back.

Took this picture off the TV screen. Our ship was docked port side. 

Edgewater Hotel on the left of Pier 66. People say that when the Beattles stayed at Edgewater years ago, they were able to do some fishing right out from the windows.

Passengers waiting to be called for debarkation on deck 7.

Jellica had told me that as soon as we were ready we should look for her at Fyzz and she would escort us off the ship just so we could avoid the long line. That really made a difference as we were taken out through the back with a very short line on the opposite side of the deck.

The gangway was actually jammed for some reasons.

The long line was on the opposite side. Alvin on the left was there to help with traffic.

We were at the end of this short line as we waited to get on the gangway.

I have heard rumors from other passengers that there were some confusion that morning because the ship was docked the 'wrong way'. The luggage that were organized to go off first became the last which caused the people who got off early couldn't get their luggage, and the luggage that were off already had no one picking them up. Fortunately, ours were either with the priority pile or with the late debarkation pile so we were able to pick them up not long after we disembarked. The schedule for people to get off the ship was greatly delayed that morning as we left the ship at our preferred time. 

After we all collected our bags and out of the terminal, we had to find a place where we could be picked up by our family. There were no parking near the terminal and it was like a mad house in that area so we walked further up until we found a shady spot at the corner near the Edgewater. We figured that our family members would be able to find us easier being at that corner and with space to stop for the pick up. 

Looking back at Pier 66 as we walked north towards Edgewater.

The famous Edgewater Hotel. Yep, right at the edge of the water about a block away from port.

Corner at Alaska Way and Wall Street.

We were finally picked up and off to our niece's house in Everett. 

So happy to see the little ones again!

Musicians in the making!

Thanks to JLP and ILP for planning a BBQ lunch for us.

DD came to meet us in Seattle from LA for the Memorial Day Weekend. Worked out perfectly!

BBQ Alaska Salmon!

After the scrumptious lunch, JLP took us on a short trip to see the house that he was working on. Wow! What a wonderful transformation from what we saw last August! Job well done!

This project was almost done by then.

The BEFORE look of the same house.





In the late afternoon, the two of us plus SC, CiC left Everett with AT and ET. We dropped MOR off at the SEA-TAC airport to catch his flight back home in the evening. SC and CiC had an early flight the next morning so the three of us stayed at AT/ET's house in Auburn that night while the rest of our group stayed at Everett.

On our way to Auburn, we dropped by the Great Wall Shopping Mall in Kent to pick up some groceries and also some food for dinner. 

Got some food to-go from the V Garden in Kent, our go-to place when we stay in Auburn.

Yes, real Chinese food!

Beef Chow Fun 

House noodle

Ended the day with these delicious dishes and then we all went to bed early. AT had to get up early and take SC, CiC to the airport the next morning for their early morning flight home. We will stay in Seattle for a couple of days before heading home.

"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"                                                                         Mark 6:37~38


  1. Rebecca

    Oh, NO! The end!

    As I keep saying: a fantastic post. Really enjoyed and appreciated this last one and all the others. Thank you!

    I do hope you have plans for more, and soon! Have a great summer and happy travelling to you and ROM.


    Have a great summer

    1. Thanks for your support, Patricia! It's not easy getting off a cruise ship! LOL! Fortunately, I have two cruises lined up before the end of the year. Both on Diamond Princess sailing in Asia. November, 8-day round-trip Taipei, and December, 12-day Yokohama to Singapore. Can't wait.
      Happy traveling! Keep in touch!

  2. Rebecca

    Sounds like two great cruises. I'll look up the itineraries, but I can see why you can't wait. Asia is a fav of ours for cruising, Japan especially but HK, China, Taiwan -- all great!

    Will enjoy keeping in touch through this blog!


    1. The cruise from Yokohama to Singapore has a really good price. We are only doing the 12 days ending in Singapore without the Malaysia and Thailand itinerary. It's Yokohama, Shimizu, Osaka, Taipei, Hong Kong, Nha Trang, Phu My and Singapore. Should be fun!

    2. Absolutely great! You seem to be very good at finding excellent pricing, so there is another plus.

    3. Finding cruises to go on is my job at retirement. LOL!
