
Sunday, February 16, 2020

La Spezia (Cinque Terre), Italy

2019 Western Mediterranean and Transatlantic Cruises on MSC
Day 7 MSC Seaview - La Spezia, Italy -- November 5, 2019

Please click here for video of our day in Cinque Terre.

Cinque Terre! I have heard and read so much about this place and today we will have the opportunity to experience it first hand. Many people go to Pisa from La Spezia, but for us, Cinque Terre for sure!

La Spezia
We didn't spend that much time in La Spezia other than walking through town from port to the train station. Looks like a nice, clean city with some old charms, and people who are a little lay back.

Sailing into port.

Expecting a rainy day.

Complimentary cruise buses were provided, not to town, but from ship-side to the cruise terminal quite a distance away.

After we got off the cruise bus and out of the terminal, we decided to just walk to the train station. It didn't look far on the map and we did not see any public transportation available. It was about a half-hour walk, through some cobblestone streets. Watching locals hurrying off to work and school made this an interesting walk. 

By the time we arrived at the train station, it was a little before 8:30 and the place was bare. A few tourists were there waiting for the Tourist Information Office to open at 9:00 to purchase their tickets to Cinque Terre. Other than that there was not much information around the station to tell where one should go, which train to take, or what we should do. No signage, no directions, and no one to ask questions. Good thing we had pre-purchased our tickets online and everyone had their printed out tickets in hand. I was glad that we didn't have to deal with the Tourist Office here because I have read many terrible reviews about them being rude. As we were looking confused, a gentleman told us to get on the train at a certain platform (I believe it was platform 5, not quite sure now) which should take us to Cinque Terre. As we were walking to the other side of the tracks through the tunnel, we decided maybe we should use the restrooms first before taking the train since we didn't know how long this ride is going to be. Back to the station using their restrooms cost 1E per person. Even though our tickets included free Wifi, free restrooms use, and park entry, the train station is not part of the national park, so it didn't apply here. By the way, nobody ever checked our tickets, not on the trains, not at the stations, and not at the sights. They only checked it when we used the restrooms at the stations.

We found the train and waited patiently for it to move on. By now, the electronic sign on the platform is showing this is the right train for Cinque Terre. More and more people also got on the train as we waited which made us feel a little better.

We planned on taking the train all the way to the fifth stop, Monterosso, and work our way back. This way we can time our visit better at each stop. It is very important to time carefully since there maybe only one train available at each hour, especially for us with all-onboard time set for the ship.

Passing through the first stop Riomaggiore.

And the third stop Corniglia.

A quick photo of the beautiful coast.

This may be the biggest town in all of the towns along the coast. It seemed to be pretty spread out and we had the longest walk here. It was very scenic and taking the walk along the ocean side was a pleasant experience.

Getting off the train at the Monterosso Station.

Station entrance at the platform where we took the stairs and walked down to town.

Exit at the ocean side level.

Made a left turn once exiting the train station and follow Via Fegina along the coast.

A beautiful and easy walk.

Passing by the Rock of Monterosso (Scoglio de Monterosso).

Before turning through the tunnel.

We continued our walk on Via Fegina, which goes through a tunnel, and arrived at the town square of Monterosso.

Town square

with many souvenir shops, restaurants, and bars.

Because of limited time, we didn't go too far into town.

Oratorio dei Neri which was under renovation.

Gothic church of San Giovanni Battista with black and white stripes.

Another angle of the rock on our walk back to the train station.

We stayed here for about half an hour before catching the next train to Vernazza.
This is one of the busiest stop in the park, probably because of the colorful buildings that we often see on postcards etc.

We got off the train at the pink train station and used the restrooms there before walking down to the bay. Sis was tired so she just sat inside the warm waiting room at the station and wait for our return. 

This reminded me of Portofino.

Santa Margherita of Antioch Church

Main 'road' Vernazza.

Following these young people up but there was really nothing much up there.

A small cave by the roadside.

We did hike up a little bit on these stairs...


back to the train station

Waiting for the next train to Corniglia inside the tunnel.
This was a failed stop for us. First, there were not that many people who got off the train with us. Second, for some reason our group was not moving after we arrived at the station. Maybe someone had to use the restroom? While they were still down at the station, I went up the stairs and saw that there was a free shuttle bus that takes people to town. Apparently, the town is a distance away uphill and walking would be out of the question, especially for our group. I hollered to get their attention but got no response.  Watching the bus drove away, I knew there was no way we could see this town. The bus only returns before the next arriving train.

A picture I took above the train station.

So, we just sat at the train station looking out at the ocean and watching trains come and go until the next train picked us up. At least there were good sheltered benches because it started to rain by now.

This is probably the most crowded town of all probably because of the picturesque setting and colorful buildings. It also looked most populated with buildings all up the hillside. A longer walk for us to get from the train station to the harbor.

A beautifully decorated platform between the station and the harbor.

Walkway that leads to the scenic viewpoint of Manarola.

I would hate to climb up and down on a daily basis.

Probably a familiar sight as background.

Manarola Station
Riomaggiore is a smaller and quieter town and it has a more local feel to it. I kind of remember that we had to take a fairly long walk to get to the harbor from the train station. We had to go through the plaza at the station, went past the edge of town, and then went through something like a tunnel, then down to the harbor. With less people and a smaller harbor, I find this town is just as stunning as the other ones.

I wonder how these boats manage to sail out into the ocean with big waves crashing on shore like that.

Just gorgeous!

After this, we were going to check out the town itself but we were all tired. Time to get back to the ship. We did not hike the trails not only because parts of the trails were damaged but we knew our limitations. By the time we got back to La Spezia Central Station, some of us were too tired to even take the 30-minute walk back to port. We hired a taxi van outside the station and gladly paid 15E each for the ride while the energetic ones walked their way back.
It was definitely a rewarding and fun day in Cinque Terre. Thanks to big brother who did all the planning and ticketing on this trip. If we ever come back, I want to go to Corniglia, the only town that is not by the sea. It must be stunning to have views from up high. 
We did very well time-wise, always getting on the next available train at the end of each visit and we made good time getting back on the ship for our last formal night dinner.  

Octopus Carpaccio, an amazing dish.
I really applaud the chefs on Seaview, they did well on all the food served on board.

Escargot in Puff Pastry

I wonder why I didn't have any pictures of our main courses?
Here is one dessert, poached pear.


After dinner we had the dreaded duty of packing up. Tomorrow we will leave the ship and head over to the MSC Divina. One week on any ship is just too short in my opinion. Good thing is that we have another 18 days on the Divina coming up. We will see how she is comparing to Seaview. The Seaview did change my opinion about MSC. While I have said that I will not go on another MSC ship after Splendida in 2012 if I don't have to, I find MSC is more like any mainstream liners nowadays. It takes some getting used to as far as fellow cruisers is concern, but the service, the food, the entertainment are all up to par with other cruise lines. The main thing that attracted us was the itineraries. MSC have some amazing ports planned for their ships with attractive fares. Never say never!

"Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."   --Ecclesiastes 5:2


  1. Hi, Rebecca

    What a day! You covered so much, what a treat!! Haven't been to any of these places, but will remember how useful a report this is. I like how you show photos of the train stations. This is very helpful to see.

    This will be our third time to S.A., but thanks a lot for the offer. I might just need some help!

    Enjoying your blog so much!!


    1. Thanks for your words of encouragement! Wow! Been to S.A. twice already, then you should have a lot to share! One of these days...
