
Friday, February 14, 2020

Third Time Genoa

2019 Western Mediterranean and Transatlantic Cruises on MSC
Day 6 MSC Seaview - Genoa, Italy -- November 4, 2019

Back to Italy we go!

Please click here for video of our day in Genoa.

Genoa has a special place in my heart. Our first trip here was in 2008, when son was still in high school. We flew in to Milan and took the bus here, stayed one night, before boarding the Carnival Splendor on her inaugural cruise to Dover, then to the Baltics, a total of 20 days. It was also our first trip to Europe so it was a very special trip for us. 

Then we came back on MSC Splendida in 2012 with a couple of friends. On that trip we went to Portofino and had an amazing day visiting that beautiful town and Genoa itself. Just a blink of an eye, seven years went by and we are back again! This time with more families and friends, what a joy it will be!

Started the day off with a good breakfast in the dining room.

Ship docking in Genoa.

A familiar sight.

Several cruise ships and ferries in port already.

24-hour Passes
First thing we did after getting off the ship was went upstairs to the main floor of the terminal and purchased our one-day passes from the tobacco shop. I think they were 4.5E each, but you can also get four tickets for 9E, so guess what we did? These tickets were good for all transportation in the city, including buses, metro, funicular, etc. 

I have always wanted to take a ride on one of the several funiculars in this hilly city but haven't had a chance to do so yet. So, our first stop this morning would be the funicular station closest to the terminal. We walked out, went past the train tracks and metro Principe station, continued uphill and came to the tiny station of Principe for this funicular (inclined railway). I have read that this is the highest funicular in the city but probably not the longest. This would be a good spot to have a birds-eye view of the city when it reaches the top station of Granarolo after passing through eight other stations.

An old fashion funicular.

We were the only tourists on this ride.

View from the top.

Not a clear day but still amazing!

There is a church at the top but none of us wanted to hike up there. By the way, the 'driver' told us they will be going back down in 10 minutes.

Granarolo Station

Ready to take the ride down.

After we got off the funicular we went past the Principi Train Station,

down Via Mario Abbiate, to the metro Principi station.

Down near the metro station with the uphill walk to the funicular in the background.

There is only one metro line in the city with eight stops so it was pretty easy to navigate.
We took the metro from Principi to the last station, Brignole, where we would walk to Piazza della Vittoria.

The very pretty Arch of Victory.

Across the street are the flower sculptures of the the three ships that Columbus sailed to the new land.
Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.
It would be good to go up to the Caravelle for the view, but it was a little too challenging for our group.

Walking down Avenue XX September where many high-end stores are located.

Ponte Monumentale

Santo Stefano Church

Arrived at the Christopher Columbus House and the St. Andrew cloister ruins.

Christopher Columbus House was closed that day so the rest of our group went to the St. Andrew cloister ruins while I just sat here with sister who was getting tired.

Three-minute walk away is the Piazza de Ferrari with a gorgeous fountain in the middle.
We were a little early for lunch. The restaurant we planned on going opens at 12:30, so we decided to just walk around the neighborhood before coming back for lunch.

Around the back is the Doge's Palace for cultural events.

On the other side of the plaza is the Chesa del Gesu e dei Santi Ambrogio e Andrea. It would have been nice to go in for a look but again, it was closed.

A little further down is the Cathedral San Lorenzo, the iconic black and white striped Cathedral in Genoa.

Inside San Lorenzo.

I was looking for the carved dog head but couldn't find it anywhere.

Time for lunch! Back in the alley near Piazza de Ferrari and we were first to arrived.

Son found Trattoria Rosmarino on line. Supposedly excellent reviews.
They serve excellent pesto pasta (local specialty) and lasagna, we were told.

We didn't know until we had to pay the bill. Three plates of bread like this one cost us 20E! They automatically charged 2E per person for bread, which I felt was a rip-off.

Waiting for our lunch.

Pesto pasta, good!

Lasagna, excellent! Flavorful and tasty!
I have to say, other than the bread, it was a good lunch.

After lunch, most in our group took the metro to see another Cathedral, which I don't remember the name of, while son and I decided to walk back to port along the promenade.

Old Port of Genova

Neptune, a replica of the Spanish ship for the 1985 film "Pirates".

Submarine Nazario Sauro

Finally back at the cruise terminal Stazione Maritima.


They served a lot of great mussels on this ship.

Seafood Soup


Mixed Seafood Grill
A great seafood dinner to end our day in Genoa. Another memorable visit!

"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong."   --Ecclesiastes 5:1


  1. Wonderful day for you! And a good savings on the tickets! You are the best! I wonder how you do the prep for your trips. You seem to know so much about each port, where everything is, all the transport.......I am terrible at this!


    1. Hi Patricia! Planning is part of the fun! I usually spend months on researching before a trip using sites like; tripadvisors; reading other people's blogs; tourist information of each city; oh, and "What's in port?" is a great site also. These greatly help planning out itineraries when traveling. Son usually helps in figuring out places to eat. On this trip, big brother also did a lot of researching. I like to over-planned just in case.

  2. You are a whirlwind! I am planning a South America cruise in a month. Not the easiest thing to find info about the cruiseport, terminals, shuttles, etc. So much is orientated to tourists flying in staying in hotels!

    I have used your past blogs a lot and they are always helpful and fun!


    1. Thank you for being so kind! We've never been to South America and that is on my bucket list. Have to get hubby interested enough to cruise there. Three of my brothers have cruised there so if you have any question, I can ask them. Happy planning!
