
Monday, March 30, 2020

New Territories

2019 Summer Trip to Asia
July 23, 2019 -- Hong Kong 

When we were planning this trip, we did not know that brother JC and his wife would also be in Hong Kong visiting their daughter there. It was wonderful to have them as our guides for two days taking us all over the place so we could enjoy some good local food and visit sites that we would not get to on our own.

This morning, we took the opportunity to visit a dear minister friend in his office near our hotel. Rev. Ting is a leader in the Chinese church as the General Secretary of CCCOWE (Chinese Christian Conference on World Evangelism).

After the visit we met JC and CeC at CaC's apartment nearby.
We would be spending the day in New Territories today. It was so nice to just sit back and relax without having to deal with maps and transportation for a change. Wherever they take us would be perfectly fine.
After driving around the open space of New Territories north of Kowloon, we arrived at the town of Tai Po. I have not been in Tai Po for many years and I felt totally lost here. 

First thing, looking for lunch. JC brought us to this restaurant for some famous beef brisket noodle.
It's called Kwun Kee Beef Brisket in Clear Broth.

I suppose this place is very famous. They had photos of Anthony Bourdain and other famous local singers, movie stars up on the front.


This is something probably more to the local taste. It was very good with tender pieces of beef tendon and brisket in flavorful soup. Westerners may find it a little bland.

Afterward, for dessert, we walked over to the Grandma's Tofu Pudding shop nearby.

Refreshing tofu pudding!

Then we stopped at a cafe and had some Hong Kong specialty, Buttered Pineapple Bun (Bo Lo Yau).
Super yummy but definitely unhealthy!

The next town we stopped at was Yuen Long where there was rioting and fighting just a couple of days before. We just wanted to check out the place and see how much damage was done without stopping for too long. Everything seemed calm and quiet by then, fortunately.

Sign posted by locals wanting to keep the peace.

Lau Fau Shan was a famous fishing village near the border of Hong Kong and China. When I was little, whenever my parents had visitors from foreign countries visiting Hong Kong, they always made it a point to bring their guests here so they could see China from a distance. It is also famous for oyster farms and seafood products. It looks much different nowadays.

Restaurants and shops lined on both sides of the passage way.

A vendor selling dried seafood.

Salted fish getting their sun tan.

Across the Deep Bay (Shenzhen Bay) is the city of Shenzhen, China. A very well-developed modern city. It used to be just fields of farm land.

Shenzhen Bay Bridge between Hong Kong and China.

On the West Kowloon Highway back to our hotel.

For dinner, we were treated for a fantastic meal at a restaurant in the town of Ma On Shan by CeC's family.

Yummy roast duck!

Winter melon soup


Steamed garlic scallops

Whole coconut bird's nest sweet soup as dessert.

What a wonderful dinner! 

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."   -- Psalm 4:8


  1. Hilarious! Super yummy but definitely unhealthy. Salted fish getting their suntan. Brilliant!

    Fantastic feast! Lobster looks especially good.

    Take care.


    1. Isn't it sad, Patricia, that most food we enjoy are no longer healthy for us! Talk about getting old! Not you, I mean myself.
