
Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Day in Macau

2019 Summer Trip to Asia
July 24, 2019 -- Hong Kong 

This would be our last full day in Hong Kong before flying over to Taiwan for a month. JC suggested that we should go over to Macau and possibly try the new Hong Kong-Zuhai-Macau Bridge. Sounded like an excellent idea so we set to go on this day.

Wonderful view of Olympian City outside the window of the hotel restaurant as we enjoyed our breakfast.

Got to feed our stomach first before heading out.

After meeting up with JC and CeC, we took the MTR across the harbor to Hong Kong Island where we boarded the ferry at the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal at Shun Tak Center in Sheung Wan. It was easy to buy tickets there since this was a weekday.

About an hour later we arrived at the Macau Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal.
The reason we took the ferry on this trip was that there are more transportation offered here instead of the terminal where the bridge would have been. The ferry was like a hydrofoil type of boat which went fast.

There were many complimentary buses taking people to the different casinos in Macau. There were long lines but we got on pretty quickly. We got on the bus that took us to the Grand Lisboa Casino which is in the center of town.

Getting coupons for free gifts and bonus play etc. as we boarded the bus. We are not gamblers so we didn't really make use of them other than getting a free umbrella each. After stopping at the casino and received our free umbrellas, we headed out and got a taxi to take us our next destination.

We believed that the taxi driver was not happy with our short distance trip and dropped us off at an unknown spot instead of where we asked for. He told us to just take the short walk over. We soon found out that it was a total lie as we hiked up this hill.

We ended up reaching the Monte Forte instead.
Monte Forte is a fort completed in the 1600's with a rooftop park

and an expansive view of the city.
The gold building is the Grand Liboa Casino where we were earlier.

Entering the fort, I think it was free entry.

Up these beautiful steps.

Macau Museum at the top of the fort.


As we walked down from the northwest end of the fort, we arrived at the Ruins of St. Paul's, the top attraction in Macau.

This 17th Century old church building is now left with the facade after a big fire that destroyed the whole church. It's amazing that it is still standing there.

Back of the facade.

Random pictures of the neighborhood as we continued looking for the restaurant.

Found it! A curry beef noodle place.

But we were later told that this was not the right one. Oh well!

Walked past the St. Michael the Archangel Cemetery with a cute pretty chapel.

After JC got in contact with his local friend, he suggested that we go to this cafe and try their Macau specialties. Advice from locals are always good!

Oh yes, pork chop bun, definitely a local favorite! With the flavorful savory fried pork chop inside a warm crusty and sweet Bo Lo Bao (Pineapple Bun) making this a delicious treat.

Don't remember exactly what this was but a grilled chicken steak in some kind of sauce with rice.
Yep, a good cafe indeed!

Then we walked down to the park where the Tap where the Tap Seac Multisport Complex is and waited for JC's friend to get his car from the parking lot. Oh, he actually came to meet us at the cafe.

The sport complex

A statue of Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese Explorer who was the first European to reach Indian by sea.

Then our new friend took us to this old-fashioned bakery (Pastelaria Chui Heong) where JC wanted to get some almond cookies.

This is in an older part of town.

Freshly baked, right out of the oven on the cooling rack.

We then went up to the hilltop where Chapel of Our Lady Penha was located.
Right at this spot, we were able to have views of almost the whole Macau under our feet.
This is not a hot tourists spot so it was quite enjoyable just being there and admire the surroundings.

Macau Tower and beyond.

Chapel of Our Lady of Penha

Newly wed taking their photos.

After being warned several times, this Korean visitor continued playing on his 'trumpet' outside the chapel which irritated the security personnel there quite a bit.
We were fortunate that we caught a taxi that was waiting for the couple taking their wedding photos. The driver figured that he was just waiting there and it was possible for him to take us down to the Taipa area before the couple finished their session. Thank goodness, otherwise we would have problems even getting downhill.

I don't remember exactly now, but I think we got off at the City of Dreams Complex.

With a huge, upscale shopping mall inside.

City of Dreams Mall, I believe.

Venetian across the street of Sands.

Pretty much just like Las Vegas.

Time for coffee break! This could be the Lounge inside Conrad, not sure though.

After relaxing at the coffee shop, it was time that we meet up with JC/CeC's friends. 
They will be hosting a Portuguese dinner this evening just for us. 
Thank you, Dorothy!


What a great dinner and wonderful fellowship!

To get back to Hong Kong, we would take the bus using the Hong Kong-Zuhai-Macau Bridge.
It was not busy at all at that hour and we were able to get bus tickets with no problem.
This is the terminal building on the Macau side. It is much cheaper taking the bus instead of the ferry especially they have senior discounts for us oldies.

Unfortunately, we were not able to see anything since it was at night. Everything was dark outside, so I couldn't tell where we were when we made the crossing. 
Once we arrived back on the Hong Kong side, we took a taxi back to our hotel which was like the distance from the airport. The terminal for the bridge is actually right next to the HKIA.
We have to pack our bags tonight for our departure tomorrow!
Bye, JC and CeC, see you back in L.A.!

"In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commends all people everywhere to repent."    --Acts 17:30


  1. Hi, Rebecca

    Another exhausting day! I love that Golden Pagoda. Really have to make it over to Macau the next time we go to HK/China. Will be a while from now, of course :( but I'll be able to reference your notes. Have a great weekend!


    1. Good thing about Macau is that you can make it in one day. Definitely a place to put into consideration if you have time while in Hong Kong. Take care, Patricia!
