
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Stormy days in the Mountains

2019 Summer Trip to Asia
August 11~12, 2019 -- Meishan, Chiayi, Taiwan

We had a couple of days before going north to Taipei, so BIL thought that it would be a good idea to take us into the mountains for a change. We were thinking of going to Alishan, which we have not been in years, but SC and SO have a relative who owns a B&B up on Meishan (Plum Mountain) which is just a little northwest of Alishan. It sounded like a good plan and we left on this adventure one late morning. 

After driving for a couple of hours, we arrived at the township of Meishan and stopped for lunch. We did not know much about this place so we just found a small, clean store and ordered a simple lunch that could last us through dinner. Food was OK but not something that I particularly enjoy.

Minced pork rice

Steamed gluten rice cake.


pork ribs soup

As we were coming out after lunch, it started to rain so we stopped at the convenient store across the street and wait while enjoying a cup of hot coffee inside. When the rain slow down a little, we started our ride up the mountains. From the township of Meishan we still had a couple of hours up the mountainous drive to get to the site. Some parts of the road was quite narrow and windy. There was a certain area where we had to make at least 15 hair-pin turns. Quite scary at times. Fortunately, SC was a good driver so we were in good hands.

Up high in the mountains.

After passing through those scary but scenic hilly roads we arrived at the tea farm of SC's relatives. 
We were treated with hot steamy cups of local tea right from the producer.

A short drive away was the Lai-Home B&B.
Actually, this was more like B&B&D (Bed and Breakfast and Dinner).
We will be spending the night here.

A very nice unit with two bedrooms.

Basically a log cabin type of set up. Very rustic feel and clean.

One of the cabins on the property.

Dinner was served at the dining hall at the ground floor of the main big building. It was almost like inside a cave.

We were the only guests there that day and we were served a very good dinner of fish, chicken, meat and vegetables.
It started to rain heavily after dinner, so we just stayed inside the cabin and watched TV that evening. From then on it turned into a very scary night for me. With the tin roof over our beds and pouring rain outside, together with constant crashing of thunders and lightning, it was almost like we were being attacked by the extraordinary power of nature. My fear was that the ground would not hold up and cause a great landslide which happens quite often in Taiwan. Sometimes landslide would have the whole town being washed away. It was certainly a sleepless night. What a relief when we saw day break and rain actually stopped the next morning.

The dog was trying to make friends as we were getting ready for breakfast.

Office building.

More cabins across from ours.

The sky cleared up.

Our cabin.

Tea house and sitting room.

Going down for breakfast.

Dark clouds still hanging around.

Tea house that also serves as a communal sitting room.

Colorful roosters looking for breakfast.

After breakfast, the owner Mr. Lai, took us on a short excursion in the surrounding area.

A tea farm with the shape of the island of Taiwan.

Looking across the valley is another tourist town in Yunlin. If I am not mistaken, that could be Caoling.

The 1314 Lookout, a huge observation deck where one can see miles around.

Very pretty!

Surrounded by all the mountains in the Central Mountains area of Taiwan, including Yu Shan and Alishan.

Tea Farms spread out under our feet.


Good thing the weather turned out much nicer than the day before.


We walked down through the tea farms while looking back at the 1314 Lookout.

The drive back down was much easier but we did see some parts of the road being blocked by falling rocks and mudslide. Surely glad that we came back in one piece! Before going home, we decided to find dinner in the city of Chiayi. Where did we end up? Of course, Smart Fish!

Another great fish head pot.

And turkey rice.

A great ending to our scary adventure.

"In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."   --Ephesians 4:26


  1. Rebecca! What a beautiful area, who would have thought it could be so scary? Now, you can look back and say you survived it :)

    Those roosters are amazing and look exactly like the ones we have seen everywhere in the South Pacific, always looking for a meal!

    1. Haha, probably because I am such a 'chicken'! It was certainly beautiful up there on the mountains though!
