
Monday, May 4, 2020

An Unusual Day Trip in Taoyuan

2019 Summer Trip to Asia
August 28, 2019 -- Taoyuan, Taiwan

Our gracious host and hostess invited us to go on a day trip again on our last day in Taiwan. Our destination will be in the city of Taoyuan with a couple of different stops. Being not far from Taipei with many interesting sights including the international airport, Taoyuan is one of the more popular cities for people in northern Taiwan to visit on their holidays. But, today we will visit a site that I have never been before, the Jaiobanshan Residence of the Late President Chiang. 

The drive from Hsindian to Jiaobanshan took about an hour which was not bad at all. This is located in a very small town of Jiaobanshan not too far from Daxi.

Jiaobanshan Resort
This is a quiet town with not much going on. We parked the car on the street and walked towards the resort on a side street that lead to the entrance. There was hardly anyone there and entrance was free.

There are two paths once you enter the ground, one that leads to the War Preparedness Tunnel and the other one to the resort building. We decided to visit the resort building first, make the round and then go through the tunnel at the end.

Sign near the entrance.

Passed by this interesting looking guard shed with a chair on top.

The 'Resort'. Quite humbly looking.
This was suppose to be a resident for the Chiang family when they retreated from the busy life of Taipei.

Our dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. Shih.

The exterior of this building is now a museum.

With lots of historical documentations and displays.

President Chiang Jing-Kuo and his Russian wife.

President Chiang Jing-Kuo with the then Governor of California, Ronald Reagan.

Looking out from the main entrance.

Wedding portrait of President and Mrs. Chiang Kai Shek.

 "Remembrance of Parents" Pavilion

From there one can see the river downhill.

And the Xikou Suspension Bridge.

This is at a prime location with gorgeous views all around.

A small lake in this scenic area.

Back to this same spot.

Before continuing with our self-guided tour, we decided to have lunch. The restaurant inside the premises was closed, so we just went back out to the main road and found a small restaurant for a simple meal. 
After we were fed, we went back inside the resort to finish our tour.

There are a couple of old Japanese-style houses that used to be some kind of collection station for Camphor in this area.

These buildings seemed to be neglected for the most part, probably because of lack of visitors. 

Now we are ready for the tunnel.

A long way down.


Inside the tunnel.

Colorful paintings.

Fresh peach icee for a hot summer day!

Main road of this small town.

We are suckers for changing of the guard ceremonies so our friends took us to Cihu, where the late President Chiang Kai-Shek was lay to rest. We have visited the HouChihu area not long ago and we thought maybe there is a chance that we can see the ceremony at the Mausoleum on this day. I have actually been to the Mausoleum forty years ago when it was not as restricted for visitors.

Main gate to the Mausoleum which was closed to the public.
We were just a few minutes late as we were fast walking towards the Mausoleum and one of the guards told us that we won't make it on time so we gave up and left.

Touliao Daxi Mausoleum
Not far from Cihu is the Touliao Mausoleum where President Chiang Jing-Kuo was put to rest. Personally, I have a lot of respect for President Chiang Jing-Kuo who had done so much to make Taiwan into what it is today. Being here in person was sad and emotional but I was certainly glad that I got to see this place even though we couldn't go inside because of the paint incident not long ago.

The main entrance is closed so we entered from the side gate.

We made it in time for the changing of the guard ceremony.

They did the whole ceremony even though we were the only ones there.

Memorable visit.

Side gate.

We have visited the Chiang Jing-Kuo Memorial Hall across the street the last time we were here.
Without visitors from mainland China, most of these places have very few local visitors which greatly affected the business around.

On our way back to Taipei, we stopped by Daxi and enjoyed some of the famous tofu products of this town.

This is a souvenir store that specializes in tofu products.

This braised egg was super delicious. What a great snack!

Back to Taipei, we were planning to go for a dumpling dinner but we couldn't find parking nearby, so we just randomly picked a small fast food type of restaurant near Guonghua Digital Plaza.

Food was OK and I don't even remember what the name of this place was. Which means I have no intention of coming back.
After dinner, we strolled over to Guonghua Digital Plaza and browsed around for quite a bit before heading back home for the night.

"I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith."   -- Ephesians 3:16~17


  1. Rebecca

    Glad you got to see the changing of the guard! Have you seen it is Gibraltar? Not nearly as big a deal as your photos show in Taiwan!


    1. No, Patricia. We have only past through Gibraltar on a cruise but never set foot on land there. One of these days...
