
Friday, June 24, 2022

Historic Mesilla and Billy the Kid

34-Day Cross Country RV Trip + 7-Day Caribbean Cruise 2022
Day 4: Mesilla, New Mexico to Fort Stockton, Texas
April 31, 2022

We woke up to a beautiful morning at the 5-star rest area on the hill near Las Cruces, New Mexico this morning. It was nice to be able to enjoy the view of the city with fresh coffee in hand. We have a long way to go today from Las Cruces to Fort Stockton but we want to make it a point to stop at the little historic town of Mesilla just around the corner.

Mesilla, New Mexico
Mesilla holds an important chapter of U.S. history which not many people may have heard. After years of conflicts between the U.S. and Mexico over the claiming of the strip of land which was known as "No Mans Land", a treaty was signed in 1853 known as the Gadsden Purchase settled the dispute. Mesilla became a part of the United States with the southern part of New Mexico. With crossroads of two stagecoach and trade routes, Mesilla became the most important city in the region.

What interested me to visit Mesilla was actually the story related to Billy the Kid, who was tried and sentenced to death in the courthouse here in Mesilla. It was said that after he was sentenced to be hung, he managed to escaped from prison but was later shot to death. Rumor had it that he didn't die from the shooting but later changed his identity and lived many years afterward. I was definitely curious to find out what this city is like.

Parking for the RV was really easy in the public parking near city hall on this Sunday morning. There was hardly anyone there this early and they do have designated RV parking which makes it painless.

Crossing the main street into the plaza area, first thing we saw was the Roman Catholic church that was getting ready for mass. Cars were rolling into their parking lot as mass was getting underway. It was nice that they also broadcast the service into the plaza where some people were seated outside. Quite thoughtful during this pandemic period.

Catholic church

Band stand at the center of the plaza.

A little background history of Mesilla.

One of the stagecoach line.

History of Thunderbird.

The oldest documented brick building in New Mexico.

It's old, alright!

View of the plaza and the church at one end.

Across the street from the plaza is the Billy the Kid Gift Shop. This was the courthouse when it was the capitol of New Mexico and Arizona where Billy the Kid was tried and sentenced to death.

Vendors setting up their wares for Sunday market at the plaza.

Beautiful buildings around the plaza.

After spending a little time here we ended our tour back near the church

and walked back to the city hall parking lot.

Wish we had more time to see other interesting places in this area. We bumped into a young man as we were walking back to the RV, who told us about this beautiful garden just a short drive away. Unfortunately, it was going against our direction and we would have to back track so we decided maybe next time. 

We knew pretty much that we would have a long drive after this and the only possible sight that we would see will be at El Paso. We had no intension of going into big cities but we were wondering if we could see the 'wall' that separates the U.S. and Mexico border.

Right after we crossed into Texas, we stopped at the rest area and tourist information center for a break. This is a huge facility with hardly anyone there. Two employees were inside the information center giving good recommendations and guides to visitors. An excellent spot to get maps and everything else you need to visit this state.

Information Center

As we drove past El Paso not long after the Visitor Center, we were able to see part of the 'wall'. Unfortunately, photos were impossible but we managed to get a short clip in the video here.

Hill Top RV Park, Fort Stockton, Texas
After El Paso, traffic on I-10 became very busy. That didn't bother us but the wind storm that came later did! We've made a couple of stops at the rest areas just to relax a little and had our lunch and breaks. Wind was so intense that gave us quite a scare at times. Thank God that we arrived at the RV park safe and sound as our cell phone kept giving us tornado warnings.

When I was checking in, I asked the guy what should we do if there is really a tornado coming? He said he had never have to deal with that and not sure what we should do except leave. I really think that campgrounds need to have emergency evacuation plans for these kind of situations. 

We were very nervous throughout the night with wind, thunder, and lightning. Obviously, the RV is not going to be a safe hiding place if we were to hit by a tornado. I suppose being parked next to a building made us a little safer from the ridiculously strong wind but we were worried! Whenever we opened the door, it felt like the wind would rip the door apart and pull us out by force. What a terrible experience!
Needless to say, we stayed inside the whole time we were there. Now, come to think of it, next time we should just leave and check into a motel under that kind of circumstances. 

Can't see it, but it was sunny and WINDY when we checked in.

Sunset at the campground on top of the hill.

Campground right by I-10 in Fort Stockton.

"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them."   -- Psalm 34:7


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