
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Denali National Park

It was rainy when we got off the train around noon time. We were then taken to the Princess Wilderness Lodge. Our room was already assigned and room keys were given to us in the morning when boarding the train so everything was well taken care of. We quickly grabbed a sandwich from the Subway across the street and took the hotel shuttle to the Park. Princess provides free shuttles between the lodge and the park until 7:00PM, which was very nice. Even though a tour--Natural History Tour--was included in our package we decided that we want to go deeper into the park on our own. We booked the park shuttle which will take us from the entrance (Wilderness Access Center) to Toklat, which is about 53 miles into the park, a 6.5 hours round trip. It would be nice if we can go further in but our time was limited. The shuttle that we booked was to leave the WAC at 3:00pm. The shuttles were much cheaper than the tours and we only paid $26.75 plus park entrance fee per person when I booked online. The entrance fee was refunded after we had shown them our Princess itinerary when we went to pick up our tickets at the WAC. With the tour itinerary it signifies that we already paid for the park entrance fee. 

This was where we waited for the shuttle. A family came late and they did not board the bus after all because they did not bring any food with them. There is no where anyone can buy food inside the park. By now, the sun came out and the sky was cleared.

About 10 miles in we already saw a bear by the road side. Couldn't get a picture fast enough.

This check-point is where all the private cars must turn around. Only park buses can access pass this point. The ranger came up and counted everybody on the bus before saying "Goodbye".

We were to keep very quiet and whenever someone spotted wildlife, just say "stop" and the bus driver would stop for everyone to look for animals. A really fun way to travel.

Restroom stop. 

The green shuttle. It started off being a shiny, clean bus but by now it was covered with dirt. The driver tried to clean it the best he could.

(The beige bus is a park tour bus.)



By the time we came back out to the WAC it was after 9pm. The free shuttle bus to the hotel already stopped servicing. We picked up the courtesy phone on the wall outside the building and called the Salmon Bake Restaurant which is right across from our hotel. They provide free transportation for people who will dine at their restaurant. The bus came to pick us up and a few other people went on the bus for a ride back with us. I was so embarrassed when those people got off the bus and walked straight back to the hotel when I told them that they were suppose to eat at the restaurant. Nevertheless, we enjoyed a very good late dinner at the Salmon Bake.

I was so surprised to see my cobb salad when it came out. It was loaded with shrimp, scallop, avocado, bacon, egg, cheese, etc. It was one of the best salads that I ever had.

Not a fancy place but a good restaurant in Denali! We had a wonderful day exploring the park. Must rest up for another day of traveling.

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